There are quite a lot of fan's theories out there, like the Pokemon War, Blue's Raticate and the Lavander town's melody to name a few.
The problem with most of them is a lack of sources at best, or in the worst cases, they are just middle school level creepy pastas.
What I want to bring to your attention today though, is a research I've been working on for a couple of days.
Let me ask you this first, because by the time you'll be done reading this, your answer may need to be changed.
• What are we trapping inside those pokèballs?
• What defines our predominance over these creatures?
The reason why I bring you this seemingly obvious question is because, most of the time, the Pokémon we catch are based upon animals in our world.
After all, Growlithe is as close as you can get to a fire breathing puppy and Miltank is a big bipedal pink cow.
So what of those that don't have a real life counterpart?
For example, Slowking who is stated to have
> intelligence comparable to that of award-winning scientists
> A Pokémon formed by 108 spirits
or even better, Arceus, a Pokémon that
> emerged from an egg and shaped all there is in this world, before the universe even existed.
All these entries were taken from the Pokédex, which is our "first in the line" source of info about our friends, so it can't get more official than this.
So I think we can safely assume that, at times, we deal with beings that are equal to us or, at other times, above us.
But what I want you to focus on is not so much our equals or some old mythological God, but instead on the ones that we put inside these balls that are like us.
As in human.
Honestly, I should have said "*were like us*", but thru my research I've found that the connections between Pokémon and Humans aren't as far fetched as most seem to believe.
And I'm not referring to a slow evolution thru billions of years, I'm talking about metamorphosis or, in some cases, a complete transformation from Human to Pokémon.
What I'm about to say can be sourced back in the Canalave's Library via the books you can find on the second floor.
On these books there are documents that describe how, in the past,
> there used to be Pokémons living in the forests that shed their hide to sleep as humans
and in a different book the connection between Pokémon and humans intensifies when it is revealed to us that
> there once were Pokémon that became very close to humans,
> it was a time when there existed no differences to distinguish the two.
Although, that last bit has a different, deeper, meaning in the original Japanese game.
It says as follows:
> There once were Pokémon that married people.
> This was a normal thing because, long ago, people and Pokémon were the same.

Kinda brings a different meaning to the phrase "I choose you!", don't you believe?
Nevertheless, I couldn't retain myself to what may or may not be old folklore to stabilize a connection between Pokémon and Humans, so I bring you definitive proofs from THE MOST reliable source we could ask for:
The Pokédex.
Take a look at these entries:

It happened one morning - a boy with extrasensory powers awoke in bed
transformed into KADABRA.

> Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human.
> Each retains memories of its former life.

These Pokémon are created when
spirits of children who died while lost in the forest possess rotten tree stumps.
So now, reader, now that I've proven that not only there is the lore that points to Humans been the same as Pokémon at one point in history, but that there is a clear connection even in the Dex's entries between Pokémon and Humans,
let me ask you again:
• Are we sure that those are Pokémon we are trapping inside those pokèballs?
• Why should we feel predominant over our own kin?
• Are there any more connection I might have missed out about humans and Pokémons?
Let me know what you guys think, and have a good night!
Canalave Library