my team consist of:
slyveon, aegislash, suicune, zoroark, charizard y, and noivern. All breed for competitive use and caught for competitive use for suicune. Is there anyway of improving or changing pokes for other pokes to make a better team for my zoroark?
bold slyveon: evs on full hp, 130 on sp.a and rest on def (wish, calm mind, hyper voice, heal bell), @lefties
adamant aegislash: evs on hp and attack. rest on def (shadow sneak, sacred sword, king's shield, swords dance) @metronome
bold suicune: evs on hp and def, rest on sp.def (scald/hydro pump, ice beam, calm mind, toxic ) @lefties
timid zoroark: evs on speed and sp.a, rest on def (flamethrower, night daze, shadow ball, focus miss) @black glasses/ choice scarf/lens
Charizard y: evs on speed and sp.a. rest on sp.def (solar beam, flamethrower, fireblast, dragon pulse)
Noviern: Boom burst, hurricane, flamethrower, draco meteor
@silk scarf (to boost boom burst)
i would really appreciate any advice about edits I could make to this team or even switching out pokes for my team. Plus I realize I need a physical poke, so I'm breeding garchomps and I already have a tyranitar too. If there is a better physical attacker I could add for this team, what poke would it be? and which poke should I switch it out too? I'm thinking of breeding another zoroark for my team but adamant (so I have two zoroarks :P). thanks :) as you can tell I heart zoroarks :)
this team is for singles, I have a whole different team for doubles. also I tried posting this on rate my team but I guess I have something wrong I'm doing because it got deleted