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4 votes

If you look at her sprite, you can see that she is not holding a regular pokeball. It sort of looks like that the GS Ball, but then again, it doesn't

The dark grey on the sides suggests that it's merely a miscolored Ultra Ball, but I can't be certain.
It looks like a safari ball or a nest ball to me.
it looks like the Level Ball from the TCG.
that's my guess
Nah, too distinctly yellow to be a Safari Ball. Maybe just a coding error?

EDIT: Just took a look at the Level Ball, and there is a strong resemblance. But it's an Apricorn Ball, and Glacia is one of the Hoenn Elite Four…
i'd guess GS Ball, since that is the only Pokeball that exactly matches up with the sprite. But the GS ball is johto, Glacia is Hoenn. It's pretty unlikely despite the resemblance. Even then though, GS Ball was anime. and the Level ball is TCG. The games have never really taken from the anime/tcg (not counting, of course, the TCG video game and Pokemon Yellow.. and puzzle league)
The Level Ball is an Apricorn Ball obtainable in GSC and HGSS. Get it made from Red Apricorns.

It could be a Pokeball that GameFreak just sprited without thinking about how it doesn't really resemble any other Pokeball.
then. i'm. just. stupid.
It looks kind of purple to me, so it might be a Master Ball? Wait... Why does she have one?!
it's not purple, (to me) it looks yellow/orange

1 Answer

3 votes

From what I can tell, it is an Ultra ball

Look at it. It is grey and Yellow, and the markings are even slightly shaped like that of an ultra ball.

