Disclaimer: this is most likely going to be a LONG post, so if you have more important things to do like homeworks, walking the dog, girlfriend(s?), you should probably go now till you have the chance, cause (hopefully) this will be pretty captivating and worth a read.
Pokéballs, how do they work?
I've been accompanied growing up by Pokémon for almost all my live,
I've been there, watching the anime and playing the games, since what shortly is going to be two decades ago.
I remember fondly the early merchandises they would push on us kids, besides the TCG, the albums full of stickers, the backpacks and all the school related things, the shoes and the socks, there used to be (as I supposed there still is, but undoubtedly done WAY better) the Pokéballs.
Nothing fancy mind you, but as I kid I couldn't have asked for anything more.
The first one I got, after the pilot episode of the first series came to a close and I had ran to the toy store across the street, was nothing more than a "twist to open" sphere of plastic, red on top and white on the bottom, not even colored on the inside, with the black line in the middle and the typical white dot in the center.
It even had a yellow text on the upper half of the ball that spelled Pokémon just like in the show.
Inside I found candies, because why not, it's for kids anyway, and a small Vulpix.
This marked me for the rest of my youth.
I could've been just like Ash!
I remember running around in the parks with my friends, tossing those spherical pieces of plastic to the ground and imagining to have the most amazing Pokémon battles and then, when the sun was high enough for us to see, we would wip out our GameBoy and play against each other. (Because boy couldn't you see ** on those bricks unless you had the right lights!)
The movie then came out and I went to see it in my city theater with my mother and brother, and I was blown away.
The story was engrossing and the art was somewhat nicer than the cartoon, plus those sweet, sweet animations!

As times went by, innovations were adopted.
New Pokémons, new companions (stupid Tracey stealing Brock's spot) and more importantly new Pokéballs.
This fact, regardless, didn't pass unnoticed.
I always wondered how the balls were different from one another, I knew that they were supposed to be better the the previous model, but what I wondered was how the Pokémon would perceive the ball from the inside.**
Thus here are my questions.
As far as I remember it was never explained how the pokéballs works, neither in the anime, nor in the games or, for all I know, in the manga.
The Manga, however, somehow shrugs it off with just the depiction of a miniaturized Pokémon living in the inside, just waiting in empty space.

This frankly contradicts what is told to us in the game, which is that the Pokémon are turned into electronics files so to be stored away in a pc.
(How in the world would you be able to turn a living creature into something that could be fit in a USB is beyond me, but anyway...)
In the anime, as far as I recall, nothing is stated.
It just happens. And the Pokémons somehow still have consciousness of what is going on around them while in their balls.
So,concluding, what I would like to know is:
• Was it ever truly explained what happens to our friends once they are in their pokéball?
• Was it ever shown what the inside of a pokéball (in any of the 3 media) looks like?
• Is there a canonical explanations as to how a miniaturized ball containing a crab can just start levitating out of a ten years old kid's hand so it can go towards an old man that is probably "drinking tea" with his mother???
I mean, I wouldn't want THIS to happen…

Thanks for the attention,
and let me know what you guys think!