Electivire has more stats where it counts, in Speed and Attack. It also has more powerful coverage moves in its arsenal, and it isn't worn down as easily. Also, no offense, but there are much better Electivire sets you could run. Here's what I would run:
Electivire @ Expert Belt / Life Orb
Ability: Motor Drive
Jolly Nature if Fire Punch or Earthquake, Hasty otherwise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
- Wild Charge / Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Cross Chop / Brick Break
- Volt Switch / Hidden Power Grass / Fire Punch / Earthquake
Wild Charge / Ice Punch forms a physical variant of the infamous "BoltBeam" combo, with a Fighting move rounding off the coverage. The last move is up to you and how your team turns out.
Smogon.com also has more sets, if you search "smogon electivire" it should be the first search result.
Hope I helped!