The end is near for my Platinum Nuzlocke. I'm at the Pokémon League, currently grinding my team to the 60s (veeeerrrry tedious – but that's besides the point). I have two Pokémon vying for posession of my Earthquake TM -- newcomer Garchomp and the Gastrodon I've had since the Valley Windworks. The obvious choice here is to spam EQ with Garchomp, but just here me out.
1 – Garchomp already has Dig as a decent physical Ground attack. Earthquake would be icing on the cake.
2 – My Gastrodon's Attack stat is higher than her Sp. Attack (don't ask how). This means that she could actually deal respectable damage with EQ.
3 – Gastro's only Ground attack is Mud Bomb. While workable, that 80% accuracy can really hurt -- especially in a Nuzlocke.
4 – This is a Nuzlocke challenge. If I make the wrong choice, my run could go up in flames.
So there's my dilemma. Gastrodon needs Earthquake as a more reliable attack. Garchomp needs it to bulldoze stuff. Please, help a poor guy out!
Here are two candidates, the rest of the team, their movesets, and their attacking stats.
Gastrodon (Terra)
Ice Beam / Surf / Mud Bomb / Recover
Atk – 117
SpA – 105
may be switching Surf to Waterfall due to higher Atk*
Garchomp (Rancor)
Dig / Dragon Claw / Shadow Claw / Crunch
Atk – 150
SpA – 94
may be switching Crunch to Flamethrower or Fire Fang*
Crobat (Count)
Fly / Cross Poison / Steel Wing / X-Scissor
Atk – 112
SpA – 98
Medicham (Harlem)
Brick Break / Rock Slide / Zen Headbutt / ---
Atk – 77
SpA – 75
final slot will be a filler TM*
Houndoom (Salvador)
Flamethrower / Dark Pulse / Thunder Fang / Bite
Atk – 133
SpA – 136
Bite will be replaced, most likely by Sludge Bomb*
Magnezone (Ultron)
Thunderbolt / Flash Cannon / Thunder Wave / Hyper Beam
Atk – 84
SpA – 158
no Hyper Beam hate please, it's an endgame nuke*