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She seems really strong and smart for a 10 year old, and I'm curious to know her age.
If there is nothing whatsoever on her age, just say it is unknown.

Thanks! :D


2 Answers

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Best answer

It is unknown

The only assumption we can make is same age as the playable character (Brendan/May) which is I think 13/14. Her actual age is never mentioned.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks a lot buddy! :D
It's theorized that the original Aster (not the Whismur) was Zinnias lost dead daughter. So she'd have to be old enough to have a child... but I could be wrong
I've never heard that before, it sounds really interesting. Thanks!
1 vote

It was never revealed as to how old she is, but we can theorize a bit via other mediums where she appeared in

We can always take some hint from the manga. Ruby (Brendan's manga counterpart), fought her Salamence when he was very young when she went on a mission to free Rayquaza from the capture of the humans so that they could create an Orb to control it, like the Ruby and Sapphire is there for Groudon and Kyogre respectively, which ended up with her Salamence striking down on his head and leaving behind a scar, which happened 6 years prior to the Ruby and Sapphire manga and 9 years prior to the ORAS manga. Ruby in ORAS was somewhere around 15 years old, so 9 years prior to that would be when Ruby was around 6 years old. So for Zinnia to have a Salamence and actually fight with young Ruby and go on such a dangerous mission back then, she has had to be in her own early teen years, at the very least. So nine years after that, I'm assuming she would be around 21 years old.

Now, I know that the games are different from the manga, but a lot of things are quite similar too, especially when the manga and game events are very similar. Also that Aster, well, in the manga, she was one of the Draconid people, someone with a very special ability. When she died, the Draconid people had to choose someone to be her successor, and that's when Zinnia stepped up to be the candidate for it. So there was no direct connection between Zinnia and the original Aster, and definitely Aster was not her daughter.

And the games shouldn't be far from this lore too, it would be very awkward. Though, seeing the manga and comparing it with the games, she has to be in her late teenager years or in her early adult years, around 20 , most probably.

It's possible that Zinnia's Salamence was wild or owned by someone else when it attacked Ruby, and then Zinnia caught it later.
Well, during the battle between Zinnia and Ruby on the Sky Pillar, Zinnia mega evolves her Salamence and to counter that, Ruby mega evolves Latios and they both battle, with Latios using its speed to attack Salamence from every direction. That's when Ruby references to the accident he had nine years ago with the Salamence, he knows it's was her Salamence. Zinnia connects the points from what he said and figures out that he was the child her Salamence hit back then. She literally says something like "9 years ago, the holy dragon was captured and was being experimented upon by the Pokemon Association. I tried to rescue it from the lab and you are the kid who fought Salamence on that day, right?"

This clearly shows that Zinnia was the one who was commanding Salamence back then, and its even referenced throughout the manga many times, as in when Ruby and his father, Norman, visit the destroyed lab once again to find leads on Rayquaza.