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When playing through the best game in the world, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, I realized that I had found a hole in the plot.

In the main storyline:

At the end of the main story, before the credits roll, you and your partner do battle with Primal Dialga and defeat him, then use the Time Gears to restore Dialga and time itself to its natural state. However your player, being from the future, starts to disappear as the future begins to right itself again. You finally disappear and your partner is devastated. However Dialga, now that his mind is stable, realizes how much the world owes you and brings you back.

Primal Dialga
Primal Dialga

In the Special Episode In the Future of Darkness:

While you and your partner are fighting Dialga in the past, in the future Grovyle, Dusknoir and Celebi are duelling with an even for ferocious Primal Dialga. They defeat him before he can damage the time stream, allowing you to put the Time Gears in place and save the world. The future begins to change, and the frozen planet begins to move. While your character is feeling the effects of time and begins to disappear, at the same time Grovyle, Dusknoir, Celebi, the Sableye, and the rest of the future Pokémon are also disappearing. First goes Dialga, then Dusknoir, then Celebi. It is only Grovyle left, and then he, as well, vanishes.

But soon after Grovyle disappears, everyone returns. Dusknoir, Celebi, Grovyle, Dialga, the Snorunt, Spiritomb… they're all living. Grovyle tells Dialga (who is now back to normal) that he is eternally grateful to him for saving their lives. Dialga then tells him that it was not his doing that saved them, for he is not powerful enough. He then reveals that it was the work of a "higher being". That being is Arceus.

Now, my question is this: How can Dialga have the power to save Pokémon from disappearing, yet not have that power at the same time?

In the story Dialga brings back the main character.

In In the Future of Darkness, Dialga says that he does not have the power to save Pokémon from disappearing.

This is a major contradiction. Is it simply that Dialga cannot save multiple Pokémon? Is it really Arceus' doing that saves you in the main storyline? I need to know!

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Really wish that was Dialga's shiny form
I know right?
Wasn't Dialga also dissapearing the second time? I'm just guessing, I've never played pmd but that's how you made it sound.
Yes, he was.
That would mean that he wouldn't be able to stop the other ones dissapeparing because he was disappearing too!
Simple: he can only do it for one Pokémon at a time. Dialga has intense power, but isn't God level like Arceus. It makes sense that Dialga has the ability to restore points in time, but is limited by his actual power, something Arceus has no problem with.
Noby, only his future form (Primal Dialga) disappeared. Normal Dialga lies In the past, where he restores the hero.
Dialga has the power to manipulate time, so wouldn't it be not too far a stretch to say that he just manipulated time to restore the hero back to normal?
It could just be that making Dialga have the power to bring people back to existence and stuff was too godly for it, so Game Freak instead of recalling the games just went and fixed it elsewhere. I guess it's safe to say that Dialga never had the power to begin with, or that he did and a being higher than Arceus revoked it. That being would be the developers btw.
1. Dialga can't stop time and rewind time so I think game freak doesn't want us to know how they were all saved but if you want it short, it could have been Arceus.
I'm confused, waaah...

All of these quantum mechanics are making my brain hurt...
you should work as a commercial maker, that story-line really made me want to play that game.
ps: dialga is the guardian of time not ruler of time, that occupation lies on arceus, what i don't understand is how dialga managed to sent ash and co back in time when arceus would have obviously revoked its time power in the animay jewl of life episode.
why did you hide me! i just answered so that the unanswered section would be undone!
Because your answer wasn't very good. All it did was say there are possibilities in the comments section. It didn't add anything new, and it certainly didn't answer the question satisfactorily.
i understand that the answer was not satisfactory and will accept the down-votes that  i accumulated as i did not answer appropriately and i apologize for this, however; i would like everyone to understand that in the moment i answered because the question was already answered and it was showing up in the unanswered section of this website.
please understand that i was just trying to help the website and this at the time this seemed to be a good idea.
i hope that in future questions, comments and answers i write meet the high quality standards of the websites demands and do not turn out in this way, of course if they do feel free to edit, or down-vote and if possible  hide the question or answer.
yours truly,
Hey man, chill. don't worry, we understand you. However, questions like these, they make us... self-aware... or rather, they make us question the mechanics a little too much to be perfectly answered. And please note that we don't have " high quality standards of the websites demands", nor do we feel compelled to down vote you (or anyone else for that matter). We are only here, as Fans, Trainers, friends (and so on) to gather around, and discuss Pokemon. Now, the reason your answer was hidden is because, it didn't answer the question. by leaving this unanswered, other folk who generally visit the unanswered section first (like myself) get the chance to put in their input. If this is answered, sure, it will be off the unanswered column, but it won't help the person who has a genuine question, ans sooner or later it will fade into oblivion, as newer questions emerge. Far better to leave it there till somebody, in their shining armour, uses their sword to cut through the darkness that surrounds this question. That said, as a community, we do really appreciate your input into the matter, and are sorry to have had to Hide your answer. In fact, I too had once answered on this, but seeing that Astro  wasn't satisfied (and frankly, neither was I), i Hid it. it's not a big deal at all, and we (I use 'we' a lot of times for someone who has nothing to do with running this Pokebase lmao) do hope that you will continue to provide your input and help us grow the site!
Will my knight in shining armor ever come ;-;
I don't think "Game Freak logic" will be satisfactory for this one :/, since that's the only thing I can come up with aside from the logic stated by the earlier comments.
Now I imagine Astro as a Princess stuck on a high tower (3 upvotes, and counting), waiting for some dude to virtually rescue him.

It's quite a funny (and greatly satisfying) image.
This is not going to be an answer FOR NOW because I have not yet played through the game yet but I do have a theory.

The special episode (a future of darkness) may be in a different universe than the main plot, a universe where Dialga for some reason did not get the power to save the Pokemon and instead Arceus had to save them instead.
Sorry Sept, but that theory is debunked by both the main story and the Special Episode story. Grovyle states multiple times that the events of In a Future of Darkness coincide directly with the events of the main story. The two Dialga fights are occurring at the same time. Parallel times, not universes.
Ask my sister, she played through the entire game (But I own it... idk)
We know that one dialga is different from the main plot, but both dialgas might be different…
What  ShadowOfChris said seems completely possible:
"Maybe the dialga in the past is more powerful then the future dialga because of the fact that Arceus may be sleeping or dormant in the past and in the future Arceus is awoken by the state the world is in and the fact that if dialga disappears time will not be back to normal completely"

As we know, this was the same case for Kyogre and Groudon, they were more powerful in the past.

2 Answers

0 votes

Maybe the dialga in the past is more powerful then the future dialga because of the fact that Arceus may be sleeping or dormant in the past and in the future Arceus is awoken by the state the world is in and the fact that if dialga disappears time will not be back to normal completely

0 votes

Perhaps he's unable to alter time to a degree that would allow him to resurrect multiple Pokemon?

Or perhaps it's the notion that he isn't able to save pokemon specifically, alluding to the player not being a "real" Pokemon. As the games regularly acknowledge that you're not a Pokemon but a human in Pokemon form, and perhaps that has its own special rules or messes with the timeline enough that it's easier to just shoehorn you back in.
