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I`m planning on getting HA unova starters via breeding the event pokes, and would like to know this in advance.


2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

enter image description here Power Weight – Passes down the HP IV of the parent who holds it.

enter image description here Power Bracer – Passes down the Attack IV of the parent who holds it.

enter image description here Power Anklet – Passes down the Speed IV of the parent who holds it.

enter image description here Power Belt – Passes down the Defence IV of the parent who holds it.

enter image description here Power Lens– Passes down the Sp. Attack Stat of the parent who holds it.

enter image description here Power Band – Passes down the Sp. Defence IV of the parent who holds it.

enter image description here Destiny Knot – PAsses down 5 random IVs from each parent.

enter image description here Everstone – Passes down the Nature of the parent who holds it.

WARNING: Power Items and the Destiny Knot will not stack and will cancel each other's effects.

image Flame Body – Decreases the time it takes to hatch an Egg by 50%.

image Magma Armour – Decreases the time it takes to hatch an Egg by 50%.

WARNING: The effects of Flame Body and Magma Armour do not stack. If you have three Pokémon with a mixture of the two Abilities, only one will take effect.

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You forgot the light ball, but otherwise a great answer
3 votes

Sea Incense Incenses

Incenses will allow baby Pokemon to hatch from eggs.
These include:

  • Sea Incense
  • Lax Incense
  • Rose Incense
  • Pure Incense
  • Rock Incense
  • Odd Incense
  • Luck Incense
  • Wave Incense
  • Full Incense

For example, if you breed an Azumarill, the offspring will usually be a Marill (unless Azumarill is the male and is being bred with a different species). However, if it is given a Sea Incense and bred, the Pokemon that hatches will be an Azurill.


From Generation V, if a parent holds an Everstone while breeding, its nature will always be passed down to the offspring.

Destiny KnotDestiny Knot

If one of the parents holds a Destiny Knot, then 5IVs from either parent will be passed down.
So the more perfect IVs the parents have, the higher chance of the offspring getting 5 perfect IVs.

Power AnkletPower Items

Power Items pass down a specific stat varying on the item when held by a Pokemon when breeding.

  • Power Anklet - Speed
  • Power Band - Special Defense
  • Power Belt - Defense
  • Power Bracer - Attack
  • Power Lens - Special Attack
  • Power Weight - HP

Shiny CharmShiny Charm

The Shiny Charm is a Key Item that increases the chance of a shiny Pokemon hatching, and increases the shiny rate of the Masuda Method to 1/512.

For more details on breeding and some of the items, look here.
