PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Back in Gen IV, being at or above base 100 speed was great. But now, there are more incredibly fast Pokemon, like the new Megas, Talonflame, and Greninja. 100 base speed just doesn't cut it this gen. What is a good speed for a Pokemon to be at to be considered "average" or "above average?"

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Depends a lot on the tier.
This is standard OU.
100 base speed is still good... (especially if they don't have a mega).
IMO it's average or below average.

1 Answer

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100 base speed could definitely still be considered good. It could out-speed many average Pokémon with ease if its stats are invested correctly, or even if not.
Mega Pinsir, Pidgeot, Garchomp, the three Simi's & Mega Glalie are only a handful of Pokémon that have 100-105 base speed and they could out-speed just about anything in their designated tier.

However if you're looking for a good speed stat among the fastest of Pokémon then about 115-120 + would be you're basic good.
With Mega Rayquaza, Persian, Arceus & Ambipom all have a speed of 120 or less.
My opinion is that all things with roughly 120 could be a serious threat.

The serious threats/highest 10 speed are:
Deoxys S-Form (180 speed)enter image description here
Ninjask (160 speed)enter image description here
Deoxys Normal (150 speed)enter image description here
Deoxys A-Form (150 speed)enter image description here
Mega Alakazam (150 speed)enter image description here
Mega Aerodactyl (150 speed)enter image description here
Mega Beedrill (145 speed)enter image description here
Mega Sceptile (145 speed)enter image description here
Accelgor (145 speed)enter image description here
Electrode (140 speed)enter image description here

In reflection, average good would be 115-120 and above average would be 125+
Hope I answered your question ^<^

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Awesome, thanks,
No problem