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Like a Bold -6 attack Chansey using Pound against a +6 defense bold Shuckle assuming Chansey has 0 attack EVs and Shuckle has 252 defense EVs. Is this right? Are there any others?

Unfortunately Showdown 's damage calc says "probably the worst move ever" on those kinds of attacks ;-;
im still trying to understand wth hes asking :l
You know OHKOes and 2HKOes, right? (Of course you do.) He's asking about all 100HKOes.
He's asking whether or not there is a situation in which any Pokemon would take 100 hits from any attack to be knock out.
ah ok.
Something level 10 using Seismic toss or night shade against a pokemon with 100 hp
wouldnt that only need to hit 10 times :l?
Level 1 pokemon using night shade/seismic toss on hp100 pokemon lol
why do you want to know that?
My math was off

1 Answer

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If you had, say, a Level 1 Mr. Mime with Seismic Toss against any opponent with an HP of 100, then that would result in a 100HKO. The build would have to be:

Mr. Mime@ Leppa Berry
- Seismic Toss
- Recycle

That's all you need, really. Recycle lets you restore Seismic Toss' PP with the Leppa Berry so that you can keep whittling HP. You would also need a really weak opponent with no recovery or attacking moves.

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