PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
200 votes

I breed Pokemon in the game and am pretty good at IVs and EVs and such. I have thought of a few good tactics, such as

  • Safe Guard and Outrage/Petal Dance/Thrash (avoids confusion ailment)
  • Mimic and Imprison (permanent Disables last move)
  • Swagger/Flatter and Psych Up/Haze (either gives you upped stats or resets theirs)
  • Defense Curl followed by Roll Out (makes roll out stronger)
  • Rain Dance and Thunder (Thunder never misses)
  • Belly Drum and Rest (works best with a chesto berry. Maximizes attack)
  • Sunny Day and Solar Beam (solar beam no longer needs to charge)
  • Endure and Flail/Reversal (makes the attack moves really strong compared to normal)

What are some of the best move combos that you have found so far? :D
Explain your choices, and why they make good combos.

Please read all the answers before posting, to avoid duplicate answers. Yes, all 200+ of them.

And no full on movesets either, there are separate questions for that :-)

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212 Answers

3 votes

How about Lagging Tail+Payback/Avalanche/Revenge? Or Agility and Electro Ball?

avalanche and revenge already has decreased priority.
3 votes

Yawn + Pursuit

When you use yawn your opponent will be likely to switch out on the next turn, but when you use pursuit it will go before the switch and double the power.

Works well with STAB and defense/attack lowering/raising, experiment with different combinations for some stronger power!

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This is actually very clever! Either they go to sleep, or take damage.
This is really good, I would have never thought about it.
3 votes

Here is a good combanation: Have a pokemon use overheat, Close Combat, Draco Meteor, Hammer Arm, Psycho Boost, or Super Power. then have a pokemon like Crobat, Cofagrigus, Cryognal, Weezing, or Seviper use Haze to get rid of the lowered stats from the move you used. This could also work for lowered stats that your opponent used on you.
Another combo would be to have a Machop, Machoke, or Machamp with NO GUARD out and another pokemon with a OHKO move for always knocking out the opponent.

Actually the no guard only works on the machamp and the Pokemon that's attacking it, so ur 2nd Pokemon ex. Articuno with sheer cold will have the same accuracy it normally has ); I tried a team like that. I wondered y it missed, so researched it!!
You COULD use role play
3 votes

This could be good for lower tier double battles.
Have one Pokemon such as charizard with belly drum and max speed.
Then have another polemon with follow me holding focus sash
That gives Bellyzard a chance to use belly drum then use a powerfully move next turn without the chance of being killed the first turn unless the foes quiker.
Then Bellyzard uses moves such as earthquake paired up with a flying or levitating Pokemon.

These two could work alright i would recomend if using this strat to have maybe two follow me pokemon one for setup and one such as Togekiss that can support charizard on low health as well as dodge its earthquakes.
Other pokemon work well.

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3 votes


Medicham & Dusclops Lead:

Pure Power Passover (P.P.P.)
Medicham (M) @ Focus Sash
Nature: Hasty (+Spd, -Def)
Trait: Pure Power
Role: Ability Pass

EV Distribution:
252 Atk
252 Speed
4 HP

  • Fake Out (very important)
  • Protect
  • Force Palm
  • Hi Jump Kick

U Mad Bro?
Dusclops (M) @ Eviolite
Nature: Impish (+Def, -SpAtk)
Trait: Pressure
Role: Wall/ Ability Switcher

EV Distribution:
255 Def
255 SpDef

  • Skill Swap (very important)
  • Protect
  • Pain Split
  • Toxic

GOD King
Slaking (M) @ Expert Belt/ Life Orb/ Muscle Band
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk) or Jolly (+Spd, -SpAtk)
Trait: Truant (not for long)
Role: Pure Power Receiver

EV Distribution:
252 Atk
252 Spd
4 SpDef

  • Brick Break/Hammer Arm
  • Night Slash/ Shadow Claw
  • Return/ Retaliate/Strength
  • Earthquake/Rock Slide

This move set is all up to you!!


Regi GOD
Regigigas (X) @ Expert Belt/Life Orb/ Muscle Band
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk) or Jolly (+Spd, -SpAtk)
Trait: Slow Start (again, not for long)
Role: Pure Power Receiver

EV Distribution:
252 Atk
252 Spd
4 SpDef

  • Fire/Ice/Thunder/Dizzy Punch
  • Bick Break/ Strength
  • Heavy Slam/ Eatrhquake/ Rock Slide
  • Whatever

This move set is all up to you!!

Method Behind The Madness!!

  • Medicham and Dusclops lead. Dusclops is bulky enough to take hits, while Medicham is frail enough to be taken out promply.

  • Medicham uses Fake Out on one Pokemon so he can only be attacked by one opponent, activating the Focus Sash if nessacery, while Dusclops uses Skill Swap on Medicham.

  • Dusclops now has PURE POWER.

  • Let Medicham attack with Hi Jump Kick. If he misses, it does not matter. You want him to faint. Dusclops can as attack well with Pain Split or Toxic.

  • Medicham faints. Send out Slaking or Regigigas. Use Skill Swap on Slaking/ Regigigas. Slaking/ Regigigas now has Pure Power, which DOUBLES (yes, 2x) the Attack stat, with no recoil or other consequences.


  • With Adamant and 252 Attack EVs and an IV of 31, your Slaking’s Attack is 466 at Level 50. At Level 100, 920!!

  • With Jolly and 252 Attack EVs and an IV of 31, your Slaking’s Attack is 419 at Level 50. At Level 100, 838!!


  • With Adamant and 252 Attack EVs and an IV of 31, your Regigigas' Attack is 466 at Level 50. At Level 100, 920!!

  • With Jolly and 252 Attack EVs and an IV of 31, your Regigigas' Attack is 419 at Level 50. At Level 100, 838!!


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is the calculation different or hav u made a mistake in lvl 50 = 466 and lvl 100 = 920, cuz 466 X 2 = 932?
Their max attack at 50 is 233 (233 * Pure Power = 466).Their max attack at 100 is 460 (460 * Pure Power = 920). You can check the link to be sure.

3 votes

Swagger / Confuse Ray / Flatter or anything that lowers stats.. Screech being the most useful here. Works well when combined with Pursuit.

Turn 1: 10% used Screech! - Opponent: Aww crap! I better switch out!
Turn 2: Opponent goes to switch out, but Pursuit hits for a great deal of damage.

Basically you're trying to force a switch then hit them before they leave.

Why to switch out because of the  Screech ?
If you have your defense cut in half, you can switch out into another pokemon and then defense cut is no longer there.

Same thing with confusion. If you switch out, it goes away.
but not everyone switches when they get hit with stat lowering moves;because most of them have either substitute or a move to raise stats them self...this also gives them time to set up so basically you just screwed yourself
3 votes

Flatter/Swagger and Own Tempo/Safeguard

To be used in double battles.

Pachirisu used Flatter!
Lilligant's Sp. Att. rose!
Lilligant's Own Tempo prevented it from getting confused!

You get a free stat boost with no harmful effects.

3 votes

Memento/Explosion/Self-Destruct + Retaliate on the next Pokemon to switch in.

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thnx for editing it for lazy me, Trachy! :)
3 votes

Have a Slow pokemon with Assurance and Confuse Ray. Use Confuse Ray to confuse opponent. Just spam Assurance and if the opponent is faster and hits itself, You get the 2x bonus with Assurance.

3 votes

This strategie kills and if these two pokemon are your leads you can sweep entire teams.
(Only for use in double battles)
Ok so looking back at this strategie it works similar to Pikas idea where you spam surf with Gastrodon, just this is an idea thats leading off from my bum bait idea and this hits twice as hard.

Heatran (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd (394 SAtk and 339 Spd)
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Eruption
- Flamethrower
- Earth Power
- Dragon Pulse

Typhlosion (F) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd (317 SAtk and 439 Speed)
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Eruption
- Flamethrower
- Extrasensory
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Okay a Flamethrower from a Heatran hurts but an Eruption is deadly and as is Typhlosions.
So Typhlosion uses Eruption unfortunatly it gets reduced by 25% (Because of new gen5 double battle mechanics) but it is still dealing deadly damage thanks to stab and its sheer power.
This will hit all pokemon very hard already even taking around 25% off pokemon resisting it and the fact that it hits the whole field is a plus because not only are you hitting 2 opponents very hard but you also are giving Heatran a free 50% boost on its next move.
Now you have managed to suvive an Eruption from a Typhlosion with 317 SAtk now can you take an Eruption from a Heatran with 394 SAtk as well as having a 50% boost on a stab attack with 112 base power (Stupid new double battle mechanics) alowing it to deal super effective damage on a neutral effected pokemon.
Heatran is also scarfed making this couple a very hard double team to take down and if you manage that you will possibly loose many pokemon as the result.
But it can be countered but if you alow it to take your first two pokemon you have a few problems.
This is because now typhlosion gets a boost for its next eruption.
(Note that when using the Heatran set it is using quiet as that is the only compatible nature with Heatran that can leagally abuse Eruption)

Ok so Cresselia is common in double battles and posses no threat to the strat so its a good example.
Typhlosions(first Eruption on a calm 252 Hp 252 SDef) 21.8% - 25.9%
Heatrans(Now has flash fire boost) 40.8% - 48.2%
Okay now ive given you them stats you may be thinking thats rubbish but this Cresselia is the best special wall from Ou and down excluding Blissey and Chansey who are never used in double battles.
Heatran (Now on standard Zapdos) 124.6% - 147%
Remember that Zapdos has good SDef.

But nothing will suvive 3 Eruptions and ecen if they do there is over a 70% chance of a burn to finish them off but i doubt anything will suvive more than two.

Its good to use these pokemon as leads to avoid the uncommon rocks but ive been using them later on in the team a sive been using sun which brings there power to insane levels, but does decrease the chance of them being on the field at full hp at the same time.

Interesting... But don't forget E-Quake!!!
Quiet and Scarfed? You mean Timid, right?
Just have to say, add Sun.
Palkia and Kyogre will dominate this, but it's pretty cool! AFter all, all combos have their counters...
Only quiet heatran can learn eruption, thanks to TrollFreak
another counter to this strat is another flash fire
3 votes

Hammer Arm + Gyro Ball + Curse + Brave + Attack EVs + Golem = Destruction!!!

LoL nice one :D
3 votes

Good for stealing other teams advantages

1.Have a pokemon that has skill swap
2.You just so happened to run into a rain/hail/sand storm/sun team
3.wait until he switches some of his pokemon that can gain stats in certain weathers like swift swim/sand rush/snow cloak/solar power
4.use skill swap and BAM!! you ended up getting the advantage

The chances of success are very low but higher in certain tiers like NU

NOTE:make sure the pokemon with skill swap can take some hit just in case their pokemon is faster than you and can hit hard

3 votes

Have a pokemon with pickpocket such as weavile hold a rare bone (100 fling damage) and teach it fling. You use fling and then there is a good chance that you pickpocket the foe's item, letting either reuse fling, or keep it if it is beneficial, or does very little fling damage.

how much damage does say, choice items do?
3 votes

Encore + Torment. Like Mew's Encore + Disable, but more Pokemon can learn :)

3 votes

Put a Metronome as an item on a Poke'mon and then use either
Rollout or Ice Ball. Metronome will power it up since it was used
Consecutively. Not many will agree that Rollout/Ice Ball are Good
Choices of moves but I suggest you should still try this.

Or use a choice band/scarf
OK ^_^
Fury Cutter too
3 votes

The cruel Thief + Fling. Steal an item, then chuck it at them!

+1 for comedy value, even though it's probably not that effective in battle.
Lol Amazing  combo!
3 votes

Why not some crippling combos:

  • Toxic + supersonic/confuse ray = guaranteed increased damage every turn and a possibility for damage
  • Swagger + leer = more damage when it hurts itself because of higher attack and even more damage because of lower defense
  • Shock wave + supersonic/confuse ray = lower the opponents speed, possibility for opposition self damage, and a high chance of not your opponent not attacking at all

On any/all of these you can then leech seed the opponent to regain hp every turn while they take damage either occasionally or every turn depending on which strategy you use.

Just be aware of pokemon with the ability guts when applying statuses because the attack will increase, but supersonic/confuse ray will add the possibility of that higher attack being used against them.

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I upvoted.
what the hell is this
this is so troll
3 votes

THE ALMIGHTY Double Battle Strategy


Raikou @ Life Orb
Trait: Volt Absorb
Evs: 4 Hp / 252 Spa / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
~ Discharge
~ Hidden Power Ice
~ Substitute
~ Calm Mind

Don't even ask. They do not have to be shiny.

Jolteon @ Life Orb
Trait: Volt Absorb
Evs: 4 Hp / 252 SpA / 242 Spe
Timid Nature
~ Discharge
~ Signal Beam
~ Shadow Ball
~ Hidden Power Grass

The Strategy:

Use Discharge when your health is low and you can attack the opponent as well as heal yourself! You would never die! You Can easily recover from the recoil use by doing this.
[1]: http://sprites.pokecheck.org/s/243.gif
[2]: http://sprites.pokecheck.org/s/135.gif

Until a ground type comes in and is unafected by both discharges, and is scarfed or something and uses earthquake
right. well a scarfed ground type is the only thing stopping me because of jolteons high speed it would probably outspeed whatever its hitting
You can also run Parabolic Charge, It heals both pokemon at the same time
heliolisk is kinda slow though
3 votes

My own double battle stategy!!
So, you send out electivire (with motor drive) and jolteon (with volt absorb)
1. Have Electivire use protect while Jolteon uses magnet rise.
2. Use discharge with jolteon to up electivire's speed. Then, use earthquake with Electivire and jolteon wil remain untouched.
3. repeat step 2 until magnet rise runs out. then, use step 1
Doubles only!!

Jolteon might die in the first or fourth turn though
3 votes

Shuckle (Ability: Sturdy, Held Item: Rock Gem) - O EVs Speed, 252 Defense, 252 Sp. Defense

  • Trick Room
  • Power Trick
  • Stone Edge
  • (Any Attack of Choice)

  • Wall first attack by opponent (Shuckle has the lowest speed of all Pokemon, so the first step shouldn't be that hard)

  • Use Trick Room
  • Use Power Trick (This will switch Shuckle's abysmal attack stat with it's high as hell defense)
  • Sturdy the next attack by opponent (This is surefire but is difficult. If you Shuckle does not have Sturdy, though unreccomended, use Focus Sash)
  • Stone Edge + Boost by Rock Gem = Instant Kill
  • Since Trick Room is still up, continue using Stone Edge. After that, Shuckle is pretty much a sitting duck

This isn't really a technique, but it is quite a decent gimmick. Just don't use against Ground or Steel Types with high defense.

If you take a hit on the 1st turn, Sturdy will no longer activate.
Of course, it could be set up if your opponent is locked into a non-damaging move from Encore... Which means this could actually work ^_^
Pretty cool!