PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
200 votes

I breed Pokemon in the game and am pretty good at IVs and EVs and such. I have thought of a few good tactics, such as

  • Safe Guard and Outrage/Petal Dance/Thrash (avoids confusion ailment)
  • Mimic and Imprison (permanent Disables last move)
  • Swagger/Flatter and Psych Up/Haze (either gives you upped stats or resets theirs)
  • Defense Curl followed by Roll Out (makes roll out stronger)
  • Rain Dance and Thunder (Thunder never misses)
  • Belly Drum and Rest (works best with a chesto berry. Maximizes attack)
  • Sunny Day and Solar Beam (solar beam no longer needs to charge)
  • Endure and Flail/Reversal (makes the attack moves really strong compared to normal)

What are some of the best move combos that you have found so far? :D
Explain your choices, and why they make good combos.

Please read all the answers before posting, to avoid duplicate answers. Yes, all 200+ of them.

And no full on movesets either, there are separate questions for that :-)

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212 Answers

2 votes

Eject Pack Shell Smash Shuckle paired with a Copycat Electro Ball Jolteon.

2 votes

The painter dog and the dinosaur
Smeargle@Focus Sash
Ability:Own Tempo
EVs:252 HP/128 Def/128 SpD
•Trick Room
•Follow Me
•Aqua Jet
•Helping Hand

Rampardos@Weakness Policy
Ability:Sheer Force
EVs:252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def
0 Spe
•Rock Slide
•Doesn’t matter

First turn, let Smeargle set Trick Room and have Rampardos use protect. Then, use Aqua Jet to activate Rampardos’s weakness policy. Then sweep with Rock Slide that is STAB and boosted by sheer force. Smeargle can bring in other moves with Follow Me or boost Rampardos’s power with Helping Hand

2 votes

Step 1.Use Trick, give the opponent a Choice Scarf
Step 2. use d I s a b l e
Step 3.Laugh hysterically
Actually Step 3.They’ll likely switch, so you can do anything. You coulduse Pursuit to hurt them, Pain Split to heal yourself, or an attacking move to hurt them, or something else, whatever you feel like doing

2 votes

Have a Level 1 Pokémon with Sturdy holding Berry Juice and make the Pokémon have Pain Split and Toxic

Step 1.Use Toxic. if they attack, the Berry Juice heals you.
Step 2.Every time you are attacked, using Pain Split heals all of your health, and you live every hit with Sturdy

It’s not foolproof, Weather and Hazards can beat it, but it’s still fun

2 votes

Tapu Fini with swagger and misty terrain against your teammate to give them an attack boost without confusing them.

2 votes

This is one is for double battles

Super effective 40 base power priority moves + Unburden + Weakness policy + Helping hand

Let's just say I use Ice shard.

The best ice shard Pokémon that can also learn helping hand is probably Delibird since it has low Attack and it can also learn Spikes.

The best Unburden Pokémon that is weak to ice is probably Sceptile since it can learn Earthquake and rock slide.

This is what's supposed to happen in the battle. Delibird uses Ice shard on Sceptile, Sceptiles speed, attack and special attack is doubled and Delibird uses helping hand next turn to insure thar every attack by Sceptile is an OHKO.

Pretty good!
2 votes

Im not sure if this is on here, but this a strategy for Gen 7 Double Battles.

Step 1: Have a Wailord hold a Waterium-Z alongside a few Pokémon that know Helping Hand and at least one Pokémon with Follow Me.
Step 2: Have the Pokemon that knows Follow Me use Follow Me so Wailord can use Z-Rain Dance and boost his speed along with water moves.
Step 3: Spam Water Spout and Helping Hand so Water Spout can cause massive damage while it's raining.

1 vote

this really works as double battle combo have 2 zebstrikas or any pokemon with the abilty motor drive and discharge have them use discharge on each other it rasies there speed stat alot

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Species clause.
1 vote


That is totally unnecessary; you could always use Confuse Ray to match with that combo way better.
Also, the point of Swagger is that when they are confused and hit themselves, the +2 Stage Attack will deal more damage.
first off what about Pokemon who cant learn confuse ray.Secondly what about when they snap out of confusion they will have +2attack and you don't want that.Thirdly they don't always hit themselves so its still going to hurt.This is mostly for Pokemon who cant learn confuse ray
1 vote

Venoshock+Poisoning move = PAIN!!!

1 vote

How about fling + theif. It works good with a poison heal pokemon when your using a toxic orb. You get the poison heal and you toxic a pokemon when you fling then steal their item and make it gone by flinging it.

1 vote

Will-O-Wisp/Confuse Ray/Thunder Wave/Toxic/etc+Hex=More Painful Than Pain

Toxic Spikes+Spikes+Stealth Rock=Poison+Pain+Pain

1 vote

Bulk-up+Drain-punch and priority if you can. Gallade, Conkeldurr, and Toxicroak work well with this

1 vote

Possibly the greatest combo in all of Pokemon.
Credit to DT: http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/10312/i-may-have-a-plan-for-shedinja and Pwnyta.

Ok, so start in a double battle with Shedinja and a Pokemon (Preferably Porygon2) that can has Trace.
If that Pokemon is Porygon2, It can use Conversion2 as well and then pass it to whoever.
Shedinja is used for Trace making the ability Wonder Guard. Infact, you could have any ability.

Pass it to a Pokemon with a weakness and start sweeping! I do not know if this will work on Spiritomb or Sableye.

NORMAL - (68)
Some Dual types that have one weakness.

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Wonder Guard can't be role played, only traced.
Still, status things such as poison and burn would affect the pokemon.  Weather would also affect them as well.  Really cool, though.
1 vote

Give Blissey Simple. Calm Mind yourself and have some fun.
Pwnyta: Simple Manaphy with Tail Glow.
Simple Volcarona with Quiver Dance.

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Simple manaphy with tail glow in rain
1 vote

Best Way to beat Josh?
In a Rain team the lead is usually Politoed so, lead with a Cofagrigus and get them to attack you thus making their ability Mummy.
Switch to an Instant weather Pokemon.

I am making a team with Cofagrigus as it's lead! Although I think that Mummy is only passed when the user touches the Pokemon with Mummy; correct me if I'm wrong.
I run specialtoed 90% of the time :D
1 vote

I just found one but its bad a little I think. Octillery with moody ability with these following moves

Scald:May burn and STAB
Ice beam: Grass Coverage and Can hit dragon types
HP Ground: Electric coverage deals with fire rock steel either
Protect: Makes moody increase random stats and doesnt gets damaged

I know you said no moveset but in conclusion Moody / Protect

1 vote

Z-calm mind and shell smash. (this works on Minior)
Use 3 shell smashes then use Z-calm mind to reset all stat drops=MAX ATTACK, SPECIAL ATTACK AND SPEED!!!
Search up what is the best moveset for minior and go to my answer for more details.

1 vote

On smeargle @quick claw:

  • Seed flare: to lower special defence, as well as high power./parabolic charge: heals yourself
  • magma storm: traps opponent in, good damage
  • orgin pulse: hits all adjacent opponents, good damage.
  • core enforcer: gets rid of dragons, removes abillity/ last resort: high power/king’s shield

The fire water grass/electric combo(he was asking for best move combos)!

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Smeargle’s isn’t very good at attacking. And this doesn’t really fit the thread.
1 vote

This one isn't for having a great strategy, but rather to make your opponent throw their game ds/3ds/switch at the wall.

  1. Catch a Shuckle (make sure it has the ability sturdy)

  2. Get it to level 100 (you see where I'm going)

3.Teach it iron defense (you know, to raise that defense), rollout (when you use iron defense 3 times, you'll see.),Protect (ahh, nothing like hitting protect WITH A Z-MOVE), and when all else fails, rest to heal back all hp.

4.After this, put a focus sash on Shuckle for MAXIMUM rage.

5.Then battle. You should see a message that pops up that says "The match was ended". After that you know you succeeded.

You should put this in the troll pokemon thread