PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
200 votes

I breed Pokemon in the game and am pretty good at IVs and EVs and such. I have thought of a few good tactics, such as

  • Safe Guard and Outrage/Petal Dance/Thrash (avoids confusion ailment)
  • Mimic and Imprison (permanent Disables last move)
  • Swagger/Flatter and Psych Up/Haze (either gives you upped stats or resets theirs)
  • Defense Curl followed by Roll Out (makes roll out stronger)
  • Rain Dance and Thunder (Thunder never misses)
  • Belly Drum and Rest (works best with a chesto berry. Maximizes attack)
  • Sunny Day and Solar Beam (solar beam no longer needs to charge)
  • Endure and Flail/Reversal (makes the attack moves really strong compared to normal)

What are some of the best move combos that you have found so far? :D
Explain your choices, and why they make good combos.

Please read all the answers before posting, to avoid duplicate answers. Yes, all 200+ of them.

And no full on movesets either, there are separate questions for that :-)

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212 Answers

1 vote

I have seen the foul play/punishment+ swagger combo, but I have added on to it. If you use reflect, it counters the swagger attack boost so foul play still hits hard but their physical attacks don’t crush you. Malamar and Smeargle can learn these 3 moves, and there might be some other Pokémon that can learn them. I use my articuno with swagger and reflect and my yveltal with tailwind and foul play in doubles and I win a lot. First turn I set up tailwind and reflect, and if they both live through the turn (they have pretty good bulk) I use swagger to make Yveltal’s foul play strong and foul play to destroy them. The reflect boost helps them live and the tailwind boost makes them go first. You might not need to use reflect if you know the opponent is a special attacker

1 vote

Some combos I came up with are:
Trick or Encore + Disable + Protect (Makes Pokemon have to use one move, then disable the move. Then, Protect is to be annoying to the Pokemon having to be forced to use Struggle.)
Toxic + Mean Look (Trap the foe, then badly poison the opponent.)
Moves like Whirlpool, Fire Spin, and Infestation + Toxic (During a move like Fire Spin, the foe can't escape and takes damage from the trapping move. Toxic is used to worsen the damage done.
Calm Mind 2 times + Overheat (Solrock can do this. Use Calm Mind twice, then Overheat. The special attack will be canceled out. Repeat)
Electro Ball + Thunder Wave (Thunder Wave on the opponent, then Electro Ball, which should have more power)
Sandstorm + Toxic + Bind (Bind to trap the foe. Toxic to wear down the hp of an opponent. Sandstorm is for some more damage. Damage worsens due to Toxic.)
Mud Slap + Double Team (Mud Slap does damage and lowers the foe's accuracy. Double Team raises the users' evasiveness. Attacks shouldn't hit often now.)

You can use the first combo with a Choice Specs (Struggle is Physical), Shadow Tag Gothitelle and replace Protect with Double Team and spam that 6 times, then destroy the rest of the team with 140 BP STAB Stored Power
1 vote

This move combination is for Double battles

Beat up + Justified + Kee berry + Psych up

The best beat up Pokémon is probably Weavile since it's the fastest one that can learn both beat up and Psych up and uses physical attack.

I also think that best Pocket monster with Justified is Terrakion since it's the fastest one that uses physical attack.

This is what's supposed to happen in the battle. Weavile uses beat up on Terrakion and it maximises Terrakions attack and the Kee berry increases its defense by one stage, and Weavile uses psych up on Terrakion and they both sweep the poor victims team.

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Double Warranted Mugging
BTW you can also you rock polish on the first turn to double both your pokemons speed by two
1 vote

Espeon Sweeper

Shuckle @ Eject Pack
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shell Smash
- Sticky Web

Espeon @ White Herb/Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Stored Power
- Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Ball
- Copycat

How to do:

  1. Send out Shuckle first.
  2. Use Sticky Web first.
  3. Then use Shell Smash.
  4. You will switch out after Shell Smash due to Eject Pack.
  5. Send out Espeon
  6. If you're faster than the opponent use Copycat it will use Shell Smash that Shuckle used on the last turn.
  7. Sweep :)
I tot copycat only copies opponents move
@Soul Stealer Copycat copies the last move used in a battle.
I've seen this with Polteageist. A good strategy indeed.
0 votes

Triple axel and triple kick becomes more powerful each time it hits, fury cutter doubles every single time. Avalanche, Bolt Beak, Fishious Rend, Behemoth Blade and Bash, Rollout and Ice Ball. Defense Curl before Rollout or Ice Ball with make with every turn 80, 160, 240, 480, 960 which is very strong, Avalanche, Fusion Flare, Fusion Bolt, Earthquake. These may hit with double power.

These aren’t move combos lol
Earthquake may hit with double power? You mean when the opponent is using Dig? Surf has that same effect when the opponent's using Dive, I think.
0 votes

Double Battle only
Use a Metagross with Clear Body and Polteageist with Strength Sap
Strength Sap heals = targets attack and lowers it by 1
Clear Body prevents your stats from being dropped
With this combo your Polteageist heals reliable 405 HP at max attack and your Metagross doesn't get a decrease in its attacking power.

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0 votes

Use a Breloom with Poison Heal
Teach it Leech Seed, Drain Punch and Facade
Give it a Toxic Orb
(Try to invest in bulk)
With this you heal with Drain Punch, Leech Seed and Poison Heal and then destroy the weakened opponents with Facade and annoy the hell out of your opponent.
If you want to be super annoying, teach it Spore.

0 votes

This list took FOREVER to go through, but my strategy is not here.

This is a cool double gimmick strategy.
Use a fast Pokémon with a high Special Attack, Draco Meteor, Overheat, or Leaf Storm and Grapploct( or Malamar but Grapploct is slower) with a slowing nature, zero speed IVs, and Topsy-Turvy.

Use the attack that’ll lower your Special Attack by two stages and with Grapploct use Topsy-Turvy targeting your ally. You’ll get a Pokémon with a powerful +2 Special Attack. Enjoy!

0 votes

Now when Scarlet&Violet are released Magearna,
Drakloak and Dragapult can learn baton pass and lock on, So they can baton pass lock on to a Pokemon that knows an OHKO move.

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0 votes

Fling + Acrobatics + Unburden
Have a fast Pokemon use fling first.(preferably using a item like toxic/flame orb or king's rock; poison/burn and flinches respectively.)
Now that you have lost your item acrobatics will go to 110 base power. In gen 9 tera-flying can boost its power even more.
Unburden also doubles your speed for the rest of the battle.

This strategy also works amazingly with Fake Out.
Suggested Pokemon:
Sneasler (only Pokemon to have everything mentioned above)
Hawlucha, Sceptile (everything except Fake Out)

0 votes

Lot of good ones here. Not sure if anyone mentioned thunder wave+ infatuate + confuse ray 3 moves that reduce the chance of opponent attacking.

Also combining sunny day+ fire spin + will o wisp

Rain dance+ poison + whirlpool

Combine one of those trap combos so they can't switch out of the inaccurate confuse ray

This works good for people that like to annoy their opponents and kill them slowly

–1 vote

Soak + Electro Drift

Opponent gets Water type and Electro Drift kills

Ground type
Soak does not add the water type; it changes the type to pure water so this still works on a ground type.
Ok well what about lightning rod and stuff like that
Ofcourse none of the strategies will work against every single Pokemon. You can't just write it off for including an electric move. Most types are completely ineffective against atleast one pokemo
This strategy is pretty bad because who said your opponent is forced to stay in? Not to mention Miraidon not getting Soak so you'll have to use a partner in doubles, sounds too much of an unnecessary hassle.
I'm not saying that it is good.But the reasoning being that a pokemon may be immune to Electro Drift is even worse
Well, I was referring to the answer and not your comment. What I meant to say that this strategy is not good