I'm not the best at EV spreads, but I'd say...
Swampert- 252 HP 128 Attack 128 Special Attack
Breloom- 252 speed, 252 attack, 4 HP.
Camerupt- 252 attack, 252 special attack, 4 HP
Altaria- 252 HP, 252 special attack, 4 attack.
Banette- 252 HP, 128 attack, 128 special attack.
Hariyama- 252 attack, 252 HP, 4 defence.
And I'll recommend some movesets just because I can. :D
Hariyama- Knock off, close combat, fake out, and maybe heavy slam- or just keep detect.
Banette- Sucker punch, Shadow claw(or phantom force), calm mind/Charge beam and Dazzling gleam.
Swampert- Surf, Waterfall, Earthquake, Dive.
Breloom- Spore, Sky uppercut, Seed bomb, Rock tomb/Stone edge/Rock slide/Rock smash.
Altaria- Fly, Moonblast, roost, dragon pulse/Draco meteor.
Camerupt- Flamethrower, Earth power, rock slide, Overheat.
I'm not 100% sure if you get all of these moves before the E4, but I hope I helped! :3