PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Do you mean Galvantula?

2 Answers

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No. It is now a tutor move, and can be used by Rotom, the Caterpie line, the Weedle line, the Pichu line, the Magnemite line, the Elekid line, the Porygon line, Mew, the Mareep line, Smeargle, the Wurmple line, Plusle and Minun, the Burmy line, Pachirisu, the Sewaddle line, Emolga, Stunfisk, Genesect, Thundurus, Spewpa, Vivillon, the Helioptile line, and Dedenne, as well as Spinarak, Ariados, Joltik, and Galvantula.

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don't forget smeargle
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There are lot Pokemon which can learn electroweb.Some learn through ORAS move tutors,some by breading and level up.

Click here to see which Pokemon can learn electroweb.
