There are many. But specifically for those two moves and great support, here are some.
This guy can set up rocks and wear down Talon before it eve gets in. Also a great Pokemon to have, fun to use and overall great. Sure, he may have lots of weaknesses but works great in its tier and for me in Omega Ruby.

Golem @ Lum Berry/White Herb (So it can't have a status or get taunted before it sets up rocks)
EVs: (252 Hp/252 Atk/4 Def) / (252 Hp/252 Def/4 Atk)
Nature: Adamant / Brave/ Impish/ Relaxed
Ability: Sturdy
-Gyro ball/Iron head
-Rock Slide/Stone Edge
-Stealth Rock
-Fire Punch/Explosion
Another one is:
Now this may sound crazy, but hard to kill with that defense. Opponent has to switch out cause it can't be killed by Talon. Can also set up rocks and prove to be annoying with that defense.

Onix @ Leftovers
EVs: (252 Hp/200 Def/56 Atk)
Nature: Impish/Relaxed
Ability: Sturdy
-Stealth Rock
-Gyro Ball
-Psych Up (Talon tends to set up so this helps)
More?! Gasp
Rhyperior! :D
A personal favorite. Can set up rocks but loses out on that nifty sp.def (Assault Vest) boost and a good tank that can take Talon's STAB attacks and retaliate with a Stone Edge or Rock Slide. Be very careful though, as this thing doesn't have Sturdy.

Rhyperior @ Assault Vest
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Def/4 Hp
Nature: Adamant/Brave
Ability: Solid Rock
-Fire Punch
-Stone Edge
-Iron Head/Megahorn
More counters and checks!
This thing resists Flare Blitz x4 so not a problem at all. With that sort of defense, it should be able to take any physical hits you throw at it. Access to Sturdy, Weakness Policy and SHell Smash is kind of unfair in a way. Make sure it doesn't die before Talon though.

Carracosta @ Weakness Policy
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 Hp
Nature: Jolly/Adamant
Ability: Sturdy
-Shell Smash
-Aqua Jet
-Stone Edge/Rock Slide
-Earthquake/Knock Off