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Say I have Garchomp (Level 50) and he's facing a Talonflame (also Level 50). Garchomp is 232 HP / 252 Def / 24 Atk, Impish nature, with Rough Skin holding Rocky Helmet. Talonflame uses Brave Bird. How much HP will be lost when Talonflame…

1) BBs the above Garchomp

2) BBs the above Garchomp holding a Life Orb

3) BBs and lands a critical hit

4) BBs with a Life Orb and lands a critical hit

I would do the calcs myself, but whenever I use the Smogon Damage Calculator my web browser crashes.

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1 Answer

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Assumptions made: Talonflame has 252 Attack EVs, and 0 HP EVs. This means it should have 153 HP.

Brave Bird gives 1/3rd of the damage it has dealt as recoil. Rough Skin gives 1/8th of a foe's total HP as recoil and Rocky helmet 1/6th. All these are calculated individually and summed up in the end.

Here are the calcs and the recoils:

Talonflame with Life Orb.
>252+ Atk Life Orb Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 232 HP / 252+ Def Garchomp: 79-95 (37.2 - 44.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

BB: 26-31 HP
Rough Skin: 19 HP
Rocky Helmet: 25 HP

Total: 70-75 HP

Talonflame with a crit.

>252+ Atk Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 232 HP / 252+ Def Garchomp on a critical hit: 93-109 (43.8 - 51.4%) -- 7.4% chance to 2HKO

BB: 31-36 HP
Rough Skin: 19 HP
Rocky Helmet: 25 HP

Total: 75-80 HP

Talonflame with no item or crit.

>252+ Atk Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 232 HP / 252+ Def Garchomp: 61-73 (28.7 - 34.4%) -- 5.6% chance to 3HKO

BB: 20-24 HP
Rough Skin: 19 HP
Rocky Helmet: 25 HP

Total: 64-68 HP

Talonflame with a Life Orb and a crit.

>252+ Atk Life Orb Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 232 HP / 252+ Def Garchomp on a critical hit: 121-142 (57 - 66.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

BB: 40-47 HP
Rough Skin: 19 HP
Rocky Helmet: 25 HP

Total: 84-91 HP

Hope I helped!

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Thanks  and your assumptions are correct. I forgot to add them.