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or is he forced to be evil for his job, or is it because jessie and meowth force him to be?

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2 Answers

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Best answer

I know this answer is old, but I beg to disagree. We do not tolerate James slander in this household In this essay I will provide you with facts and evidence as to why James is actually a bean.

James' Backstory

James grew up with lots of expectations. Even as a little boy he felt like he had no other choice but to run away from home. He couldn't stand the formalities of being a rich boy, and his parents intended to marry him off to a girl he couldn't bare. James originally ran away from home to escape that madness, and live his own life.

As an only child of millionaires, James was forced to endure formal society while growing up. Often having to take part in numerous lessons and activities he had little to no interest in, he eventually began to grow weary of the rules and standards that appeared to be ever-present within the upper-class.

At a young age, he was engaged to a girl named Jessebelle. It was revealed in The Treasure Is All Mine! that he wanted to marry her at some point but he changed his mind after he saw how controlling and overbearing she was. Unable to stand her, he ran away, leaving his lavish lifestyle as well as his beloved pet Growlithe, Growlie, behind.

Due to unexampled conditions, James met Jessie at a Trainers School, as seen in episodes, The School of Hard Knocks, and the The Bridge Bike Gang. Conflicts in plot imply they met there, went separate ways, and later met up on unfriendly terms as members of Team Rocket.

Due to conflicts in canon between Kanto and Johto episodes and the special episode Training Daze, what happened between James and Jessie after the bike gang is unknown. What is known, as shown in the special episode, is that they joined Team Rocket separately and were on initially unfriendly terms after being grouped with Meowth but they quickly made up and became good friends.

It's well known that James has a tendency to steal as a member of an evil organization. It's shown multiple times throughout the series, starting from as early as his debut episode in the first season. Although, isn't this just because it's his job? Considering he's wanted and a lost child, it's logical to assume he can't legally get any other jobs that can provide a stable income. He likely doesn't have any ID, and it's seen throughout multiple episodes that Jessie, James and Meowth struggle to get any food at all. I'd like to propose the idea that James isn't evil, but he does evil things in order to survive.

Onto my Evidence...

After Jessie fell ill from inhaling Vileplume Stun Spore in The Stun Spore Detour, James and Meowth attempted to find Salveyo weed. However, they had to contend with Misty and her newly befriended Poliwag, also on a mission to heal her friends, for the rare medicinal plant. Despite their antics, Misty later gave them some Salveyo weed.

In Sweet Baby James, James reunited with Nanny and Pop-Pop. While there, they looked after his sick Chimecho while James got a Mime Jr.

Would an evil person go out of their way to save someone?

James said goodbye to his cherished Cacnea in Once There Were Greenfields, while Gardenia offered to train it. He struggled with the decision for sometime, like in Throwing the Track Switch and The Keystone Pops! where he was particularly sad.

When the group finally defeated the evil Malamar, Team Rocket watched the forest Pokémon as the Inkay led James's Inkay into the forest to play with them. James got up to leave without Inkay, but Inkay went back to him. Although at first James told Inkay that all he wanted was for him to be happy, so he wasn't going to ask him to stay with him, Inkay began shouting at James and Meowth translated this to say that being with his Trainer and the rest of Team Rocket makes him happy. James was overcome with tears of joy after hearing this.

In Fighting Back the Tears!, James fought with Mareanie's former crush, a Toxapex, for her affections. Later, James talked about leaving Mareanie with Toxapex. She eavesdropped on this and subsequently ran away, later finding sanctuary with Ash at Professor Kukui's house. The next morning, James saw Mareanie being attacked by another Tentacruel, and saved her again. Despite their reunion, he still insisted on releasing Mareanie, leaving her in tears. However, James was then challenged to a fight by Toxapex to make Mareanie happy, which ended in a tie. Following the fight, Mareanie decided to stay with James, which he accepted.

Often, when going into battle, his Grass Pokémon will show great affection towards James, which usually results in pain for him since all of them either have sharp teeth or spines. It is also shown that James develops a strong bond with each of his Pokémon in general; James almost treats them as his own children, and they in turn are all greatly attached to him.

The boy loves his Pokemon with his whole heart! His Pokemon love and trust him more than anything. Can an evil person love?

In Master Class Is in Session!, James first appeared praising Jessie, who had entered the Gloire City Pokémon Showcase Master Class.

He even praises his friends when they need it! Despite how mean Jessie is sometimes, he's always there.

The conclusion...

He does evil things, but he has a kind heart.

If your morals believe doing evil things equal an evil person, then he's evil to you, and that's perfectly valid. However, I personally like to think he's an average person just doing the best he's can to survive with the conditions handed to him.


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To not read all this, James doesn't want to get married so he joins team rocket where he poor and hungry now in journeys.
3 votes

Yes, he is evil, sort of. He ran away from his parents because they were always forcing him to do stuff he didn't like and was going to force him to marry a girl, so he willingly joined Team Rocket (no idea why?).
Also, Jesse and James were together before Meowth came along.
There is an episode of Pokemon on You tube about how Team Rocket got together.

we know jamses backround with growlie, we know meowths backround with ... um... er... whatshername so whats jessies backround
Meowth's crush was Meowzie (creative, right?) and Jessie's backstory is that her Mom disappeared in an avalanche while searching for Mew. Later she went to Pokemon Technical Institute and hated it. And then for some reason she works for Team Rocket now, I guess.