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i have nothing to do so I started playing heart gold again and I know in the end you get a torchick which evolves into a blaziken and I want a blaziken with speed boost so can I get a blaziken with speed boost because one sight says I can but another says I cant and I don't know but I just wanna know if I am wasting my time trying to get a speed boost blazekin in heart gold so does any one know if I can get a speed boost blazekin in heartgold?


2 Answers

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Blazikin can't have Speed Boost, which is its hidden ability. Hidden Abilities were introduced in Gen V, not Gen IV, but Blazikin can have Speed Boost in Gen V and forward.

ok but do you know if it is possible to breed a blaziken with speed boost in white 2 because i have one in white 2 and i was wondering if it is possible to breed it and get its special ability and also if it is possible to breed it with a speed boost what do i need to do it
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Speed Boost is a Hidden Ability and HAs didn't exist back in HGSS.
It was only introduced in Gen 5 ( BW/2) as a Dream-World Ability.

Hidden Abilities are only available in BW and BW2, XY and ORAS
See here
