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In LeafGreen I've been looking around in the Safaro Zone for Lucky Egg Chansey and I've caught maybe 3 total after finding like 30. I can never catch these guys, they always run away and Safari Balls never catch them. Is there an easier way to catch these guys? And don't say breeding because the only reason I want a Chansey is to get a Lucky Egg, and you can't get held items from breeding.

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I remember when I found a shiny Nidoran male on FireRed while trying to get a Lucky Egg Chansey.  It ran away... ;_;

3 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

There are 2 ways to increase you "chances" of getting a Lucky Egg:

Maximize the probability of seeing chansey


Maximize the probability of catching chansey

1. Improve from 4% to 5.3% encounter rate.

Chanseys spawn at level 26 at 4% in Zone 2. Enter the grass in zone 2 with a level 26 lead and use a repel. This will eliminate encounters from level 23 paras (15%) and level 25 exeggcute (10%). Therefore, chansey's encounter rate will improve from 4/100 (4%) to 4/75 (5.3%).

Tip 1. I recommend putting a single level 26 (surfing) Pokemon in you lead. Preferably staryu with illuminate to increase encounters. You can use surf to quickly enter Zone 2, and a single member will enable you to instantly check the chansey you catch. Tip 2. Instead of using up all your repels, toggle left and right to make encounters without taking a step. Tip 3. Trade over a white flute if possible to your game. This will increase the odds of any encounter (saves the number of left/right toggles you need to perform).

2. Improve catch rate from 10.3% to 19.1%.

A recent video by Professor Rex explains how the mechanics of bait, rock, and balls work in FR/LG. TL/DR: using 2 bait both improves chansey's catch rate and reduces the flee rate. A table of the best decisions to make is found here. If you have all 30 balls, each chansey encounter improves from 10.3% with only throwing balls, to 19.1% if you use bait, then balls. With this strategy, I would say I averaged catching about 2 chansey per safari zone trip.

So what are the odds?

The odds of receiving the lucky egg for every encounter becomes:

(encounter probability)x(lucky egg probability)x(catch probability)
(0.053)x(0.05)x(0.191) = 0.05%

The odds of receiving the lucky egg for every chansey encounter becomes:

(lucky egg probability)x(catch probability)
(0.05)x(0.191) = 0.95%

Therefore, on average you will need to encounter 72 chansey ((99.05/100)^72 = 0.5) before you catch one with a lucky egg. I'm not sure how many I saw, but I got the lucky egg after catching 6. This was a bit fortunate, as a lucky egg per 6 chansey is only around 26.5% to happen. It took around 5 hours.

Best wishes

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Cool, thanks. It's been so long I don't even remember making this post, but I'm sure this'll help newer players if they come across this issue
0 votes

You'll be in the Safari Zone a long time :(

Chanseys are extremely rare and there is no Easy Way

Don't bother with throwing rocks and stuff. Just go at them with Safari Balls Any chansey you catch is rare. Just hope that the RNG is kind on you and hope to get a Chansey with a Lucky Egg

In area 1 Chanseys have a 1% chance in appearing D:
Plus only 5 % Chance of holding a Lucky Egg.

The chance of catching a Chansey is roughly 6%.
Therefore, the chance of you getting a Lucky Egg on any specific encounter is:
0.1x .05 x .06 =0.03=0.3 % Chance
You only have a 0.3% chance of getting a Chansey with a Lucky Egg D:

In Area 3 Chansey has a 4% Chance in appearing
Again, only 5% of holding a Lucky Egg.
04 x .05 x .06 =0.12=1.2 % Chance
You only have a 1.2% chance of getting a Chansey holding a Lucky Egg D:

Safari balls only in area 3. Got it.
Yeah :)
Try 0,0012%
isn't it in area 2 instead of area 3
0 votes

0,00012 chance or 0,0012% chance of getting a lucky egg in Fire Redand Leaf Green.
With save states (100% catch rate) it is still 0,02% chance. You have to walk through about 5000 tall grass.

Area 3 = 4% chance of encounter, 5% chance of holding egg, 6% catch rate
Sorry for answearing this really late, but I couldn`t look at that math and leave it like that.

Don't forget to use Sweet Scent to avoid losing steps.