PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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So I live in the Mountain Standard Time zone, so will that mean I can download ORAS at the time that Eastern Standard Time Zone is able to download, 10:00 pm on the 20th?

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Wait for it like everybody else has for like 7 months
I just wanted to know, don't be so rude V-Man
What do you mean "download" it? Can you pay to download it on your 3DS or something?
Yes, you can buy it on the Nintendo E-Shop and download it on the 3/2DS.

1 Answer

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You download it whenever it is the 21st in your country. Meaning November 21st, 2014, 12:00AM EST.

Thats how some people put it up on Youtube before you even hit 12 AM :[

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