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I want to win a star to my Trainer Card at Platinum, but I'm not good at contests..

Any contest type and tips for only one type (cool, beauty, cute, charm, tough).
Tips such as a Pokemon with a moveset and a item (don't know if held items do something?).

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1 Answer

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Best answer

I'll give you some good moves for each type. Using the combos gives you at least an effective six points every turn.


Blue Scarf - Raises Beauty

Good Natures: Modest, Mild, Quiet, and Rash

Aqua Jet, Cotton Spore, Ice Shard - (2) Enables the user to perform first in the next turn.

Aurora Beam, Blaze Kick, Blizzard, Charge Beam, Energy Ball, Fire Blast, Heat Wave, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Ice Punch, Magical Leaf, Psybeam, Surf, Water Pulse, Will-O-Wisp, X-Scissor - (2) Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.

Bubblebeam, Icy Wind - (2) Enables the user to perform last in the next turn.

Eruption, Zen Headbutt- (2) Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn.


Blastoise @ Blue Scarf
Ability: Torrent
Modest Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Blizzard


Yellow Scarf - Raises TUFFNESS

Good Natures: Bold, Relaxed, Impish, and Lax

Mud Shot, Scary Face - (2) Enables the user to perform last in the next turn.

Ancientpower, Crabhammer, Crunch, Earthquake, Iron Head, Magnitude, Mega Punch, Muddy Water, Rock Smash, Sludge, Sludge Bomb, Spit Up, Superpower, Wood Hammer- (2) Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn.


Kingler @ Yellow Scarf
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Impish Nature
- Mud Shot
- Crabhammer


Red Scarf - Raises coolness

Good Natures: Lonely, Brave, Adamant, and Naughty

Agility, Double Team, Extremespeed, Mach Punch, Quick Attack, Teleport - (2) Enables the user to perform first in the next turn.

Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Doom Desire, Dragon Claw, Dragonbreath, Extrasensory, Focus Blast, Leaf Blade, Psycho Cut, Rapid Spin, Shock Wave, Sky Uppercut, Swift, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunderpunch - (2) Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.

Hammer Arm, Vital Throw - (2) Enables the user to perform last in the next turn.

Cross Chop, Dragon Rush, Dynamicpunch, Force Palm, Hyper Fang, Iron Tail, Mega Kick, Megahorn, Metal Claw, Meteor Mash, Natural Gift, Rock Climb- (2) Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn.


Hitmonlee (M) @ Red Scarf
Ability: Limber
Adamant Nature
- Mach Punch
- Rapid Spin


Pink Scarf - Raises cuteness

Good Natures: Timid, Hasty, Jolly, and Naive

Me First - (2) Enables the user to perform first in the next turn.

Fake Out, Mirror Shot, Return, Shadow Claw- (2) Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.

Bubble - (2) Enables the user to perform last in the next turn.

Brave Bird, Frustration- (2) Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn.


Furret @ Pink Scarf
Ability: Run Away
Timid Nature
- Me First
- Return


Green Scarf - Raises smartness

Good Natures: Calm, Gentle, Sassy, and Careful

Bullet Punch, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Tailwind, Vacuum Wave - (2) Enables the user to perform first in the next turn.

Flash Cannon, Future Sight, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch- (2) Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.

Rock Tomb - (2) Enables the user to perform last in the next turn.

Earth Power, Faint Attack, Mud Bomb- (2) Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs last in the turn.


Dusknoir @ Green Scarf
Ability: Pressure
Sassy Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Future Sight


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Thanks Scarf! That was amazing!
This is really going to help.
lol scarf, nice pun