Arceus form usage differs depending on level on the ladder. This Arceus usage data is from the higher Ubers ladder.

Free to hold any item and provides STAB and priority with Extreme Speed

Takes care of the numerous Psychic and Ghost types in Ubers

Easily handles the likes of Blaziken, Ho-Oh, and Groudon.

Useful due to the ridiculous amount of Dragon types in Ubers, but there are also many Steel type threats.

Mainly used for coverage against Kyogre, which few Ubers-mons can handle.
Honorable Mentions:
- Arceus-Rock- quickly counters Ho-Oh and Reshiram and also offers a typing which is otherwise non-existent in Ubers.
- Arceus-Poison- can absorb Toxic, allowing it to set up. However, there are many Ubers Pokemon that resist or are immune to Poison type moves
- Arceus-Ground- Earthquake is ridiculously powerful, especially with a Swords Dance boost and made extremely useful now that Mega Mawile and Aegislash are banned to Ubers
- Arceus-Steel- Can provide a Physical or Special set with an immunity to Toxic, allowing it to set up