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Like Judgement with Arceus and Volt Tackle with Pichu.

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2 Answers

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Best answer

I'll be ordering everything by Generation the Pokemon was introduced. If they have a * next to it, it means it is still a signature move as of Gen 6

Gen 1

Frenzy Plant - Venusaur
Blast Burn - Charizard
Hydro Cannon - Blastoise
Skull Bash - Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise
Twineedle - Beedrill
Hyper Fang - Rattata/Raticate
Super Fang - Rattata/Raticate
Gust - Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot
Glare- Ekans/Arbok
Petal Dance - Oddish/Gloom
Spore - Paras/Parasect
Volt Tackle - Raichu/Pikachu
Fissure - Diglett/Dugtrio
Payday - Mewoth/Persian

Extremespeed - Arcanine
Kinesis - Kadabra/Alakazam
Ally Switch - Kadabra/Alakazam

Low Kick - Machop/Machoke/Machamp
Vital Throw - Machop/Machoke/Machamp
Clamp - Shellder/Cloyster
Icicle Spear - Shellder
Night Shade - Gastly/Haunter/Gengar
Crabhammer- Krabby/Kingler
Barrage - Exeggcute/Exceggutor
Bone Club - Cubone/Marowak

Bonemerang - Cubone/Marowak
Hi Jump Kick - Hitmonlee
Jump Kick - Hitmonlee
Rolling Kick - Hitmonlee

Mega Kick - Hitmonlee
Mach Punch - Hitmonchan
Vacuum Wave - Hitmonchan
Softboiled - Chansey

Dizzy Punch - Kangaskhan
Waterfall - Goldeen/Seaking
Camouflage - Staryu
Substitute - Mr.Mime
Lovely Kiss - Jynx
Conversion - Porygon

Sharpen - Porygon
Conversion2 - Porygon
Sky Attack - Moltres
Ourage - Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite
Psystrike - Mewtwo

Gen 2

Spider Web - Spinirak/Ariados
Volt Tackle - Pichu
Morning Son - Espeon
Pain Split - Misdreavus
Spikes - Pineco/Forretress
Metal Claw - Scizor
Megahorn - Heracross
Beat Up -Sneasel
Octazooka - Octillery

Present - Delibird
Steel Wing - Skarmory
Conversion - Porygon2

Conversion2 - Porygon2
Milk Drink - Miltank
Triple Kick - Hitmontop

Rolling Kick - Hitmontop
Sketch - Smeargle

Softboiled - Blissey
Aeroblast - Lugia

Sacred Fire - Ho-oh
Celebi - Hold Back*

Gen 3

Leaf Blade - Grovyle/Sceptile
Blaze Kick - Blaziken
Muddy Water - Marshtomp/Swampert
Extrasensory - Nuzlead
Slack Off - Slakoth/Slaking
SmellingSalt - Makuhita/Hariyama
Arm Thrust - Makuhita/Hariyama
Assist - Skitty
Signal Beam - Volbeat
Tail Glow - Volbeat
GrassWhistle - Roselia
Teeter Dance - Spinda
Needle Arm - Cacnea/Cacturne
Zangoose - Crush Claw
Poison Tail - Seviper
Weather Ball- Castform
Ice Ball - Spheal/Sealeo/Walrein
Mist Ball - Latias

Luster Purge - Latios
Doom Desire - Jirachi

Psycho Boost - Deoxys*

Gen 4

Defend Order - Vespiqueen
Heal Order - Vespiqueen

Attack Order - Vespiqueen
Chatter - Chatot

Rock Wrecker - Rhyperior
Conversion - Porygon-Z
Conversion2 - Porygon-Z

Roar Of Time - Dialga
Spacial Rend - Palkia

Magma Storm - Heatran
Crush Grip - Regigigas

Shadow Force - Giratina
Lunar Dance - Cresselia

Heart Swap - Manaphy
Dark Void - Darkrai

Seed Flare - Shaymin
Judgement - Arceus

Gen 5

Searing Shot - Victini
Heat Crash - Tepig/Pignite/Emboar

Secret Power - Audino
Storm Throw - Throh
Night Daze - Zorua/Zoroark

Tail Slap - Minccino/Cinccino
Skill Swap - Solosis/Duosion/Reuniclus
Horn Leech - Sawsbuck
Electroweb - Joltik/Galvantula

Gear Grind - Klink/Klang/Klinklang
Shift Gear - Klink/Klang/Kilnklang

Head Charge - Bouffalant
Fiery Dance - Volcarona

Sacred Sword - Cobalion / Terrakion / Virizion
Fusion Flare - Reshiram
Blue Flare - Reshiram

Fusion Bolt - Zekrom
Bolt Strike - Zekrom

Glaciate - Kyrurem
Fusion Flare - Kyurem-W

Ice Burn - Kyurem-w
Fusion Bolt - Kyurem-B

Freeze Shock - Kyurem-B
Secret Sword - Keldeo

Sacred Sword - Keldeo
Relic Song - Meloeta
Techno Blast - Genesect

Gen 6 (All of these still count, cbf to put a *)

Spiky Shield - Chesnaught
Mystic Fire - Delphox
Water Shruiken - Greninja
Mat Block - Greninja
Powder - Vivillion
Noble Roar - Litleo/Pyroar
Parting Shot - Pancham/Pangoro
King's Shield - Aegislash
Aromatic Mist - Aromatisse
Topsy Turvey - Inkay/Malamar
Happy Hour - Inkay
Electrify - Helioptile/Heliolisk
Flying Press - Hawlucha
Crafty Shield - Klefki
Fairy Lock - Klefki
Forest's Curse - Phantump/Trevanent
Trick-or-Treat - Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist
Geomancy - Xerneas
Oblivion Wing - Yveltal
Land's Wrath - Zygarde
Diamond Storm - Diancie

Source: Bulbapedia

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This link has an entire table with all Pokemon and their signature moves:

Hope I helped. :)

Cant copy/paste the table :/