There are no mutations of the Enigma Berry.
Here is a list of all possible mutations -
Kelpsy Berry + Wacan Berry = Apicot Berry
Qualot Berry + Tanga Berry = Ganlon Berry
Aguav Berry + Figy Berry = Grepa Berry
Aspear Berry + Leppa Berry = Hondew Berry
Liechi Berry + Ganlon Berry = Kee Berry
Chesto Berry + Persim Berry = Kelpsy Berry
Hondew Berry + Yache Berry = Liechi Berry
Salac Berry + Petaya Berry = Maranga Berry
Pomeg Berry + Kasib Berry = Petaya Berry
Iapapa Berry + Mago Berry = Pomeg Berry
Oran Berry + Pecha Berry = Qualot Berry
Grepa Berry + Roseli Berry = Salac Berry
Sitrus Berry + Lum Berry = Tamato Berry
Source - Serebii
Hope this helps!