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I was just wondering what Pokemon has overall better stats and move pool: Nidoking or Nidoqueen? I think Nidoqueen is a special attacker whilst Nidoking is a physical attacker. I might be wrong. Please go in depth - don't just say "Nidoking is better."

MightyMudkip :)

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3 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

This question didn't specify which game it was asking about, or whether it was asking about singleplayer or competitive. Normally I would hide such vague questions, but hiding this specific question risks losing search engine hits. I guess I'll have to answer it for the most common use cases in order to appease the Algorithm.

RBY speedrunning
NidoranM notably learns the 65 base power horn attack at level 8, which is a very strong move at this point in the game and certainly stronger than NidoranF's scratch. This makes NidoranM much easier to use and level up in the very early game before it evolves and gets better stats. Nidoking also has higher attack and speed, which means it is a bit more likely to outspeed an opponent or save an X attack. If you're playing more casually, the difference between them is much more negligible, and both are more powerful than almost all of your other options.

Gen 2 OU
Both can learn moves that are super effective against literally more than 50% of the metagame, and both can learn lovely kiss. However, Nidoking is better at taking advantage of weaknesses and sleep turns because of its higher physical attack.

Gen 4 OU
Although Nidoqueen is sometimes outclassed by Roserade as a toxic spikes user, its better defensive stats and typing, sandstorm immunity, and stealth rock sometimes give it more turns to set up its entry hazards. It's also better at checking a few specific threats that Roserade can't, like Infernape or Lucario. Nidoking, on the other hand, is almost completely outclassed by stuff like Flygon and Gliscor as an offensive ground and outclassed by Nidoqueen as a toxic spikes user.

Gen 6 OU
Nidoking was brought back to relevance by 2 things: sheer force and Clefable. (of course it's still useful against a few other threats, like Heatran or Landorus) Because it's best as a wallbreaker in this generation, it wants as much special attack and speed as possible, and it has more of that than Nidoqueen. In case you're wondering, toxic spikes is less relevant in gen 8 because Cofagrigus outclasses both as a toxic spikes user.

Gen 8 OU
As the decades pass, change happens more and more slowly because why improve your game design when most of your revenue is from selling plushies? Nidoking is still a viable wallbreaker, and it runs the exact same earth power/sludge wave/ice beam/flamethrower/252 SpA/252 Spe/timid set that it ran 2 generations ago. The only difference is that both are outclassed by Toxapex instead of Cofagrigus as toxic spikes users.

tldr Neither of these Pokemon are good in OU in odd numbered generations.

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4 votes

Here's the comparison:


>1. A good defensive Pokemon
2. Has a good defensive typing
3. Poison type gives it an edge against many fairy behemoths
4. Has access to support moves like Toxic Spikes, Roar etc.

>1. Weakness to many commone types like water, ground and ice.
2. Outclassed as a wall
3. Not overall great defenses
4. Limited coverage as an attacker


>1. Has a boon in the ability Sheer Force, which turns it into a fearsome attacker
2. Does not suffer Life Orb recoil
3. Poison typing helping it against many fairies
4. Solid offensice movepool
5. Completely viable running a special set

Mostly the same as Nidoqueen and also the fact that it gets very little advantage from it's low special attack stat.

My Opinion

Nidoking is superior.
This is because it is more concentrated into side, that is offense. While Nidoqueen is a good wall, it is outclassed by many Pokemon like Weezing, that do it's job much better.

Hope I helped!

Whenever I run Nidoking it's always a special set. I don't like the physical one.
Thanks! :) I just got a Japanese Nidoking level 69 from the GTS. I want rid of it though because it has a lot of HMs and I wanted it to be on my competitive team so I can't teach it the moves it wants. Thanks again! :)
No problem :)
How is Nidoqueen ever outclassed by Weezing? Nidoqueen gets stealth rock, and attacks like earth power and ice beam let Nidoqueen force a lot more switches.
The answer forgot to mention that Nidoking's base special attack and speed are higher.
2 votes

The main selling point for both Nidoking and Nidoqueen is their excellent ability, Sheer Force, combined with their wide offensive coverage that makes them both versatile wallbreakers. In this role, Nidoking is better than Nidoqueen because it has higher attacking stats and speed, which matters more for attackers.

In generations where Sheer Force doesn't exist or where a defensive role is more desirable, Nidoqueen often has the edge due to its superior bulk. In particular, Nidoqueen is better than Nidoking in a hazard setting role.

For in-game playthroughs, Nidoking tends to be better, as attacking stats and speed are more helpful for sweeping opponents than extra bulk. However, Nidoqueen does largely the same thing and has almost everything else in common, aside from minor changes in level-up movepool.

There is a more nuanced discussion to be had based on each individual game and battle format, which sumwun's answer speaks to. But this answer can give a high level overview.
