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I want to know that

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2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

This answer was up-to-date in gen 9.

+5: Helping Hand
+4: Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Magic Coat, Max Guard, Obstruct, Protect, Spiky Shield, Burning Bulwark, Silk Trap
+3: Crafty Shield, Fake Out, Quick Guard, Wide Guard, Upper Hand
+2: Ally Switch, Extreme Speed, Feint, First Impression, Follow Me, Rage Powder
+1: Accelerock, Aqua Jet, Baby-Doll Eyes, Bullet Punch, Grassy Glide (when used in Grassy Terrain), Ice Shard, Jet Punch, Mach Punch, Quick Attack, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Thunderclap, Vacuum Wave, Water Shuriken
0 : All other moves
-1: Vital Throw
-2: None
-3: Focus Punch, Shell Trap, Beak Blast
-4: Avalanche, Revenge
-5: Counter, Mirror Coat
-6: Circle Throw, Dragon Tail, Roar, Whirlwind, Teleport
-7: Trick Room


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7 votes

Here is every priority move. Keep in mind this also includes moves that go last.

+7 Pursuit
+6 Switching out, rotating, using items
+5 Helping Hand
+4 Magic Coat, Snatch
+3 Anger Powder, Detect, Endure, Follow Me, Protect, Fast Guard
+2 Feint, ExtremeSpeed

+1 Aqua Jet, Bide, Bullet Punch, ExtremeSpeed, Fake Out, Ice Shard, Mach Punch, Quick Attack, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Vacuum Wave, Side Change
0 all other moves
-1 Vital Throw
-2 none
-3 Focus Punch
-4 Avalanche, Revenge*
-5 Counter, Mirror Coat
-6 Roar, Whirlwind, Dragon Tail, Overhead Throw
-7 Trick Room, Wonder Room, Magic Room

To answer the asterisks (*): Pursuit is only +7 if the opponent is switching out. Extremespeed is +2 from Gen V onwards but +1 before. Bide was 0 prior to Gen IV. Revenge was 0 prior to Gen IV.
You meant anger powder or rage powder?
Can I also add that Beak Blast has a priority of -3 like focus punch.