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I want a Pokemon that can cover Dragon and Water types with good speed and good defense and sp defense and decent attack.If there is no Pokemon that meet these criteria,then just give me a Pokemon with good speed that can cover Garchomp as I am building a team around it.

EDIT: I meant someone that can KILL water and dragon types.And by covering Garchomp,I mean someone who can help cover garchomp's weaknesses,not someone that can kill Garchomp.I'm sorry if my question was confusing and for any inconvenience this caused.

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What about yourself? (Zekrom)
Does the Pokemon have to have good speed?
Yeah unfortunately Psychic.Its because the pokemon needs to attack before the opponent can KO my Garchomp.

4 Answers

3 votes

Right so. You told me this is doubles. All the other answers seem to pertain to Singles rather than Doubles. Lol dammit.

Bisharp, Scizor, Genesect, Aegislash
All four of those are good offensive Pokemon, with the ability to deal with Fairy and Ice types with their STAB and also resist Dragon type attacks (Those are Chomp's 3 main weaknesses).
>Steel-types such as Scizor, Genesect, Bisharp, and Aegislash are excellent partners, as all 4 have nearly perfect defensive synergy with Garchomp, can defeat the Fairy-, Dragon-, and Ice-types that give Garchomp trouble, and are able to defeat Cresselia with their secondary STAB moves. Bisharp stands out as a partner, as it deters Pokemon with the Intimidate ability from switching in with its own ability, Defiant. In return, Garchomp is able to defeat the Fire-type Pokemon that give these Steel-types trouble.

Wow KoD is lazy!

Thundurus, Togekiss, Zapdos, Cresselia
All of those guys are immune to Earthquake - also, they provide valuable Speed control in the form of Thunder Wave and Icy Wind
>Good partners that can provide Garchomp with speed control include Togekiss, Zapdos, Cresselia, and Thundurus, as many of these Pokemon are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake- Flying-types and Pokemon with the ability Levitate are great partners in general, as they are immune to Garchomp's Earthquake, allowing Garchomp to freely use the move without any drawbacks

Smogon Dex (Doubles) o3o

Thanks! I think I'll goo with scizor.But what can I use to kill dragon types?
Technically Chomp does that fine himself lol
Oh lol yeah.And one more thing.Ice type attacks usually come from water type pokemon such as politoed etc.How can I kill those?
using pokemon that knows freezee-dry really helps
2 votes

EDIT: Ok, so you said you want a Pokemon that can be good against both Water and Dragon Type Pokemon. The Water type is there because most of them carry Ice beam. In Defensive strategy I would suggest Klefki or Azumaril. You are immune to the Dragon Type Moves and Ice Type moves wont be very effective on you. If you are just looking for fast Dragon type to one hit KO another Dragon Type theres Noivern. But one hit with an Ice Beam and hes done for. So a fast Electric Type Pokemon could stop that. So basically to answer your question literally. The only Pokemon I could think of that could be super effective against both Water and Dragon type is Dedenne, His speed is somewhat above average around the same base stat speed as a Flygon or a Riachu. If hes going to be good against Dragon Types he needs the move Play Rough and obviously he can do some damage against the Water Type Pokemon. Hope this is better. These might be Pokemon you would least expect to ever use haha but I think it answers the question without getting into any of the Uber tier Pokemon

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Stone Edge is common on Garchomp.
Yeah i guess you would have to watch out for Rock Type moves... Just focus training Togekiss speed then to be faster than Garchomp. If hes lucky he will come across a Garchomp without Rock Type Moves. Kingdra and Palkia are the only two Water Dragon Type Pokemon so far. I'm not sure if Kingdra is very fast against Garchomp so i would still take my chances with Togekiss
Thanks! I think I'll go with this one.But I'm not sure where to give its EVs.Sp def and speed or SpA and speed?Oh and what moveset should I go with?
Every Garchomp now got like Iron Head / POison Jab tho
You are welcome!!! I'm glad i could be of help! Good luck. Btw though Garchomp could know Iron Head or Poison Jab (I havent come across one...) Since Garchomp is neither a steel or fairy type these moves should be a little weakened. I'm not a big fan of the whole tier system but isnt Heatran classified in Uber tier?
Sorry Mudkip but there was a bit of a problem with my question.I edited it now though.
Yeah I see that now haha... Want me to post another Answer now that i know what you mean..?
1 vote

Heatran is an excellent Pokemon to cover Garchomp. It resists fairy, ice and and dragon and only takes 1/4 damage from the first 2. It also absorbs and Wil-o-wisps that head Garchomp's way. I'm fond of Tormen-tran myself. Here's the set I use:

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 244 HP, 132 Def, 132 SpD
Nature: Calm (+SpD, -Atk)
- Torment
- Substitute
- Protect
- Lava Plume

You can use that EV spread on a more offensive Heatran just to keep the bulk and Air Balloon is pretty standard too but he cover's Garchomp's weaknesses perfectly.

As for a Pokemon to cover water and dragon moves, Ferroseed works well as it resists both. It has good defenses and decent attack as well. Here's my favorite set:

Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP, 56 Def, 200 SpD
Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spe)
- Leech Seed
- Spikes
- Power Whip
- Thunder Wave

Once again the EVs are set up for maximum bulk. I hope that helps!!

0 votes

I guess you could use Kingdra.

Kingdra @ Scope Lens
Ability: Sniper
EVs: 12 HP/252+ SpAtk/244 Speed
-Focus Energy
-Draco Meteor
-Hidden Power Fire
