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It says Fling's power depends on the item. How is the item's power deteremined.


3 Answers

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Best answer

>- 10 BP:All Berries, all Incenses, all Scarves, Air Balloon, Big Root, Bright Powder, Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Choice Specs, DestinyKnot, Expert Belt, Focus Band, Focus Sash, Lagging Tail, Leftovers,Mental Herb, Metal Powder, Muscle Band, Power Herb, Quick Powder, Reaper Cloth, Red Card, Ring Target, Shed Shell, Silk Scarf, Silver Powder, Smooth Rock, Soft Sand, Soothe Bell, White Herb, Wide Lens, Wise Glasses, Zoom Lens.
- 20 BP: All Wings.
- 30 BP: All medicines, all Potions, all herbal medicine, all Revives, all
drinks, all Ethers and Elixirs, all Repels, all Vitamins, all Shards,
all Mulches, all battle items, all Flutes, Absorb Bulb, Amulet Coin,
Balm Mushroom, Big Mushroom, Big Nugget, Big Nugget, Big Pearl,
Binding Band, Black Belt, Black Glasses, Black Sludge, Casteliacone,
Cell Battery, Charcoal, Cleanse Tag, Comet Shard, Deep Sea Scale,
Dragon Scale, Eject Button, Escape Rope, Everstone, Exp. Share, Fire
Stone, Flame Orb, Float Stone, Fluffy Tail, Heart Scale, Honey,
King's Rock, Lava Cookie, Leaf Stone, Life Orb, Light Ball, Light
Clay, Lucky Egg, Magnet, Metal Coat, Metronome, Miracle Seed, Moon
Stone, Mystic Water, Never-Melt Ice, Nugget, Old Gateau, Pass Orb,
Pearl String, Pearl String, Pearl, Poké Doll, Poké Toy, Prism Scale,
Razor Fang, Relic Copper, Relic Crown, Relic Gold, Relic Silver,
Relic Statue, Relic Vase, Sacred Ash, Scope Lens, Shell Bell, Shoal
Salt, Shoal Shell, Smoke Ball, Soul Dew, Spell Tag, Star Piece,
Stardust, Sun Stone, Sweet Heart, Thunder Stone, Tiny Mushroom, Toxic
Orb, Twisted Spoon, Up-Grade, Water Stone
- 40 BP: Eviolite, Icy Rock, Lucky Punch
- 50BP: Dubious Disc, Sharp Beak
- 60 BP:Adamant Orb, Damp Rock, Griseous Orb, Heat Rock, Lustrous Orb,
Macho Brace, Rocky Helmet, Stick
- 70 BP: All Drives, Dragon Fang, Poison Barb, Power Anklet, Power Band,
Power Belt, Power Bracer, Power Lens, Power Weight
- 80 BP: Dawn Stone, Dusk Stone, Electirizer, Magmarizer, Odd Keystone,
Oval Stone, Protector, Quick Claw, Razor Claw, Shiny Stone, Sticky Barb
- 90 BP: All Plates, Deep Sea Tooth, Grip Claw, Thick Club
- 100 BP:All Fossils, Hard Stone, Rare Bone
- 130 BP: Iron Ball

Source: Bulbapedia

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4 votes

The power of Fling is roughly divided like this:
10 BP - Berries, Choice Items, Focus Sash/Band, Insences and other miscellaneous items (see in source)
20 BP - Wings
30 BP - Evolution Stones, Mails, Pokeballs, X items, other miscellaneous items (see in source)
40 BP - Eviolite, Icy Rock and Lucky Punch
50 BP - Dubious Disk and Sharp Beak
60 BP - Orbs (other than Life Orb), Damp and Heat Rocks, Macho Brace, Rocky Helmet and Stick
70 BP - Power Items, Casettes, Poison Barb and Dragon Fang
80 BP - Dawn, Dusk, Oval and Shiny Stones, and other miscellaneous (evolution) items (see in source)
90 BP - Plates, Deepseatooth, Grip Claw and Thick Club
100 BP - Fossils, Hard Stones, Rare bones
130 BP - Iron Ball

If you ask me, I think that the the damage inflicted by Fling depends on how much the item itself when thrown can hurt the Pokemon. As simple as that.
Iron Ball hurts way more than the berries as it weighs a lot more (I mean c'mon, would you be more hurt if an Iron ball bangs you or will you be more hurt if someone slams berries into you), Deepseatooth hurts more then Deepseascale as the former has a sharper edge, which is bound to hurt more if thrown at a Pokemon.

Hope I helped!

too late
I still upvoted though
0 votes

You can find a list of how much damage each item does on Bulbapedia here

Do note, some items do not work with fling. The base power varies anywhere between 10-130 depending on the item.
