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This has been bugging me for a while. Is this just a coincidence or are Reshiram and Zekrom based on Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh! ? I realised that Reshiram is white, is a dragon and has blue eyes. Zekrom is black, has red eyes and is a dragon too. Did they decide to mix Yu-Gi-Oh! with Pokemon or was it just pure coincidence?

Yeah, I know right!
Ninetails, I choose you!

1 Answer

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I'd say it's a coincidence

Well first off Reshiram and Zekrom are actually based on Yin and Yang from Chinese Philosophy.

You aren't the first one to try make a connection between Pokemon and Yu Gi Oh - heaps of people have, during 2010 and stuff.
However, it seems to me, the likelihood is this is a simple coincidence, which is a view echoed by alot of people through forums like here, here and here
>I don't think they resemble each other too much. There are some features like their tails, and Reshirams arms/wings. And the minor detail that Zekrom glows blue.

>Probably a coincidence.
They already had the whole yin yang motif goin on, and we all know Game Freak loves them some dragons.
A Black Dragon and a White Dragon acting as counterparts isn't exactly the most uncommon idea in the world.

>it is somewhat there, but I dont think they were the inspiration, in my opinion.

>Not really, no.

>Yeah, old, and quite farfetched imo. There are a lot of white dragons and black bipedal creatures in fiction.

>While their eyes and skin color match, their other features aren't very similar. Like their body structure and such. Plus, Reshiram has crotch fur while BEWD has none
Yeah, they're a bit similar, but that doesn't mean they're actually rip offs. Probably just a coincidence.

>To be honest, I see very few similarities between the two besides color. The differences in general appearance should be easily distinguished between both Reshiram and Zekrom to the Yu-gi-oh dragons shown. Notice how Reshiram and Zekrom have softer coloring, rounder lines, less intricate features, and a much less intimidating demeanor? In fact, they look rather cute in comparison to their Yu-gi-oh cousins. Hell, Blue Eyes White Dragon looks like it could tear the world in two and call it a day, while Reshiram gives a baby a cigar burn and wonders why the hell it's a deity.

Anyway so like I said, it's more likely it's a coincidence rather than a ripoff.
As some of those above comments have said there are actually quite alot of cases of a Black and White dragon counterpart, as those two colours often correspond to notions of 'evil' and 'good', making them a staple in many fantasy games, novels and myths.

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I wouldn't say 'evil' and 'good' for black and white, since Reshiram and Zekrom represent 'truth' and 'ideals' in the game, you are able to choose between Reshiram and Zekrom, and N overall isn't a bad person, and he learns from Reshiram/Zekrom after flying off to a different region. (is anyone else sensing an N reappearance in OR/AS now that I mention it?)

But I do like that you pointed out how Reshiram and Zekrom represented the "Yin Yang Philosophy." I actually didn't know that! It does make sense, since truth and ideals are portrayed to be complimentary to eachother in generation V.