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Could help in strategies in Pokemon showdown
Looking here is kind of hard to look at every type
I also mean Pokemon with certain abilities like volt absorb.


2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

The most weaknesses that a Pokemon can have is 7 weaknesses.
The Pokémon types that have 7 weaknesses include:


Solrock and Lunatone are the only Psychic/Rock types but they are spared as they have the Levitate ability, removing the Ground weakness.

Exeggcute, Exeggutor and Celebi as Psychic/Grass types, Snover and Abomasnow as Ice/Grass types, Nuzleaf, Shiftry and Cacturne as Grass/Dark types, Terrakion as the only Fighting/Rock type, and Tyranitar and Mega Tyranitar as Rock/Dark types have the most weaknesses out of all Pokemon.

The most resistances a Pokemon can have is 11 resistances.
This is only the Steel/Electric type, which belongs to Magnemite, Magneton and Magnezone.

Eelektross only has a Ground weakness which is negated with it's Levitate ability, meaning it's the only Pokemon that has no weaknesses. All pure Normal-type Pokemon have no resistances, but rather have neutral damage from everything except the Fighting-type.

Hope I helped. :)
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edited by
Thanks, Shiny Hunter Luna. I fixed the word "weaknesses" to "restistances".
Oh... thanks for letting me know. No hard feelings :)
Another fact : Heatran has the most double-resistances
The pokemon combination with the most double weakness would be Steel/Rock with their double weakness of Ground as well as Fighting. The other obvious combination would be Rock/Ground with their double weakness of Grass and Water.
I would like to add that now, Steel/Normal would have 11 resistances as well as Immunity to Ghost.
0 votes

Aegislash and Magnezone both having 12 resistances ( Immunities included )
Also noted that if a normal+steel Pokemon come out in future it'll have 12 resistances as well.

What about weaknesses? Since the original question has also asked for weaknesses, the answer should also include it. If there is no new info that the other answer doesn't have, its fine, just acknowledge that.