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I want my Gourgiest to be very strong and I was gonna raise one stat with a Calcium or something else and train the rest with super training I was wondering which stats would be good to increase.

Super Size Gourgeist @ I have no idea
Nature impish
Ability Frisk
Moves not completed
Phantom Force
3 others

Moveset questions aren't allowed, sorry.
Its not a move set question its a training question I asked which stat I should increase he just didn't fully answer my question thank you :(

1 Answer

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Best answer

This one might help you

Super Size Gourgeist@Leftovers
Nature; Careful
252 hp,252sp def 4 speed/def
Shadow sneak
Will o wisp
Pain split
Seed bomb/Protect

Use will o wisp to cripple and pain split to recover some damage
Its defence is amazing so to even it out 252 sp def is needed or you could give 252 on Def.Your choice

Hope I helped!

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OK thanks