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Been soft-resetting an event mewtwo, here's the IVs for the latest one:


Hp 18 Atk 19 Def 30 Sp.A 28 Sp.D 26 Spd 3

Should I hang on to this one?


2 Answers

3 votes

I would continue Soft Resetting.

Timid is a fantastic Nature for Mewtwo (Normal) and Mega Mewtwo Y, although it's not a very good Nature for Mega Mewtwo X.

But that's not the reason why I would continue Soft Resetting, the reason being is because it only has 3 IV's in it's Speed Stat.

The standard EV trained Mewtwo and Mega Mewtwo Y have 252 EV's in Special Attack, 252 EV's in Speed and 4 EV's in either Defence or HP. It also has either a Special Attack or Speed Increasing Nature, genuinely Modest or Timid and 31 IV's in at least Special Attack and Speed.

The standard EV trained Mega Mewtwo X will have 252 EV's in Attack, 252 EV's in Speed and 4 EV's in either Special Defence or HP. It also will have an Attack or Speed Increasing Nature, genuinely Adamant or Jolly and 31 IV's in at least Attack and Speed.

Competitively Darkrai can be a major danger to Mewtwo in the Ubers Tier. From my calculations, if a Darkrai has a Speed Increasing Nature, 252 EV's in Speed and 31 IV's in Speed it will be able to out speed your Mewtwo in Normal Form and when Mega Evolved into Mega Mewtwo X even if you give it 252 EV's in it's Speed Stat.

Hope I helped :)

0 votes

Ok, so having the nature timid And having 19 IVs in atk is horrible. Even when having a Mewtwo mega evolve into X, timids a horrible matchup. Having it mega evolve in Y will just be a waste of atk. IVs,

Having 31 IVs in atk, def, sp def, and hp for mega evolving Mewtwo in X
Having 31 IVs in sp. atk. Speed, and HP for mega evolving Mewtwo in Y
