Water type Pokemon always seem to have some shade of blue on them somewhere...
Psyduck Slowpoke Slowbro Seel Dewgong Shellder Cloyster Krabby Kingler Goldeen Seaking Staryu Starmie (Disputable) Magikarp Kabuto Kabutops Slowking Octillery Ludicolo Corphish Gorebyss Relicanth Luvdisc Bibarel Shellos-West Gastrodon-West Palkia Arceus-Water Basculin-Red Alomomola
Psyduck Slowpoke Slowbro Seel Dewgong Shellder Cloyster Krabby Kingler Goldeen Seeking Staryu Starmie Margikarp Kabuto Kabutops Slowking Corsola Octillery Lombre Ludicolo Corphish Gorebyss Relicanth Luvdisc Bibarel Shellos West Gastrodon West Palkia Arceus with Water Plate Basculin Red Stripe Alomomola Frillish Female Jellicent Female Binacle Barbaracle
Hope I helped :)