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I have tried with both male and female combinations but it is still not working.


1 Answer

1 vote

Piplup, nor Prinplup can learn Stealth Rock via breeding.

In Generation IV, it can learn Stealth Rock via TM76.
In Generation V, it can learn it via the Move Tutor.

Hope I helped. :)
Source: Serebii

What about empoleon?
you can't breed an empoleon.  piplup will come out of the egg no mather what
To add to Indigo's answer, if you breed a Female Swinub with a Male Prinplup the Swinub that hatches from the egg will have Stealth Rock as long as the Male Prinplup has it. But if you breed a Female Prinplup with a Male Swinub even if the Swinub has Stealth Rock the Piplup that hatches from the egg will not have Stealth Rock.
'Cos Stealth Rock ain't one of it's Eggy moves. :3