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7 votes

Here are some that are found by Smogon:

>Techno Blast buffed to 120 BP
Sacred Fire Entei (move relearner)
Switcheroo Froslass/Glalie, Klefki (egg move)
Moonblast Cresselia, Whimsicott (level up)
Competitive Milotic (new ability, does not replace anything)
Dazzling Gleam Meloetta, Mismagius, Azelf/Uxie/Mesprit, Jellicent, Victini (TM)
Toxic Spikes Weezing, Cofagrigus (egg move)
Sucker Punch Emboar (egg move)
Play Rough Donphan (egg move)

If someone got Pokebank already, do you guys mind? :D

Yeah - PokeBank is crashed. This isn't a very nice question li'l Mooface. :(
That isn't post pokebank..
thunder, blizzard, hydro pump, and fire blast had their power decreased to 110
Koffing/Weezing get Toxic Spikes
Elgyem/Beheeyem can learn Steel Wing now O_O

Pretty much everything is being covered here (too tedious to write it all down).

1 Answer

10 votes
Best answer

This is all the move changes from gen 5 to gen 6. Hope this helps!!!

buneary/lopunny now get baby doll-eyes via level up

koffing/weezing (level up) and bouffalant (egg move) now get belch

rattata/raticate, meowth/persian, koffing/weezing, gen2 starters, lugia, ho-oh, celebi, raikou, entei, suicune, gen3 starters, slakoth/vigoroth/slaking, gen3 legendaries, gen4 starters, kricketune, buneary/lopunny, misdreavus/mismagius, cherubi/cherrim, glameow/purugly, porygon/porygon2/porygon-z, gen4 legendaries, gen5 starters, cottonee/whimsicott, yamask/cofagrigus, frillish/jellicent, eelektrik/eelektross, elgyem/beheeyem and gen6 legendaries ALL get confide via tm.

genesect and kricketune get fell stinger via level up

cherubi gets flower shield as an egg move

chikorita, treecko, turtwig and snivy get grassy terrain as an egg move

celebi now get's hold back as an event

koffing/weezing, yamask/cofagrigus and genesect now get infestation as a tm

eelektross now learns ion deluge as a level up move

meganium, cherrubi/cherrim now get petal blizzard via level up

mismagius (level up) and darkrai (event) now get phantom force

persian and glameow now learn play rough via level up

typhlosion, totodile/croconaw/feraligatr, treecko/grovyle/sceptile, combusken/blaziken, marshtomp/swampert, slakoth/vigoroth/slaking, registeel, regice, groudon, jirachi, deoxys, chimchar/monferno/infernape, kricketune, buneary/lopunny, uxie, mesprit, azelf, regigigas, darkrai, victini, pignite/emboar and meloetta ALL learn power-up punch as a tm

lopunny now get's rototiller as a level up move

kricketune now get's sticky web as a level up move

mew now learns all new tm moves in gen6

Techno Blast buffed to 120 BP
Steel Wing Beheeyem (Level up)
Sacred Fire Entei (move relearner)
Switcheroo Froslass/Glalie, Klefki (egg move)
Moonblast Cresselia, Whimsicott (level up)
Competitive Milotic (new ability, does not replace anything)
Dazzling Gleam Meloetta, Mismagius, Azelf/Uxie/Mesprit, Jellicent, Victini (TM)
Toxic Spikes Weezing, Cofagrigus (egg move)
Sucker Punch Emboar (egg move)
Drill Run Escavalier (egg move)
Haze Dusclops/Dusknoir (egg move)
◾Will-o-Wisp’s accuracy increased from 75% to 85%
◾Meteor Mash changed from 100 base power, 85% accuracy to 90 base power, 90% accuracy.
◾Pin Missile base power increased to 25 power per missile from 14 per missile.
◾Water Pledge, Fire Pledge, and Grass Pledge base power increased from 50 to 80.
◾Energy Ball base power increased from 80 to 90.
◾Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam base power lowered from 95 to 90.
◾Fire Blast, Thunder, Blizzard, and Hydro Pump base power lowered from 120 to 110.
◾Overheat, Draco Meteor, and Leaf Storm base power lowered from 140 to 130.
◾Dragon Pulse base power decreased from 90 to 85.
◾Muddy Water and Surf base power lowered from 95 to 90.
◾Heat Wave base power lowered from 100 to 95.
◾Aura Sphere base power reduced from 90 to 80.
◾Power Gem base power increased from 70 to 80.
◾Hidden Power base power reduced from 70 to 60.

Nugget Bridge

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holy crap! GJ d00d
I was sick of seeing this question in the unanswered section and decided to put some effort into answering it to get it off!
u forgot steel wing beheeyem, but otherwise fantastic job! (still staring at it)
I'll change the answer to include it right away! Thanks!
buneary/lopunny now get baby doll-eyes via level up

koffing/weezing (level up) and bouffalant (egg move) now get belch

rattata/raticate, meowth/persian, koffing/weezing, gen2 starters, lugia, ho-oh, celebi, raikou, entei, suicune,  gen3 starters, slakoth/vigoroth/slaking, gen3 legendaries, gen4 starters, kricketune, buneary/lopunny, misdreavus/mismagius, cherubi/cherrim, glameow/purugly, porygon/porygon2/porygon-z, gen4 legendaries, gen5 starters, cottonee/whimsicott, yamask/cofagrigus, frillish/jellicent, eelektrik/eelektross, elgyem/beheeyem and gen6 legendaries ALL get confide via tm.

genesect and kricketune get fell stinger via level up

cherubi gets flower shield as an egg move

chikorita, treecko, turtwig and snivy get grassy terrain as an egg move

celebi now get's hold back as an event

koffing/weezing, yamask/cofagrigus and genesect now get infestation as a tm

eelektross now learns ion deluge as a level up move

meganium, cherrubi/cherrim now get petal blizzard via level up

mismagius (level up) and darkrai (event) now get phantom force

persian and glameow now learn play rough via level up

typhlosion, totodile/croconaw/feraligatr, treecko/grovyle/sceptile, combusken/blaziken, marshtomp/swampert, slakoth/vigoroth/slaking, registeel, regice, groudon, jirachi, deoxys, chimchar/monferno/infernape, kricketune, buneary/lopunny, uxie, mesprit, azelf, regigigas, darkrai, victini, pignite/emboar and meloetta ALL  learn power-up punch as a tm

lopunny now get's rototiller as a level up move

kricketune now get's sticky web as a level up move

mew now learns all new tm moves in gen6

damn that took long