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What im asking is like when a pokemon is grass and fire and its opponent uses a water move super effective against the fire but not very effective on the grass what does it make ??? super effective plus normal??

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I was wondering the same thing.

2 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

As Speedy said, but if you want details:
Without effect: x0
Not very effective: x0.5
Regulary effective: x1
Super effective: x2

So, Water attack on Fire/Grass should have NOT VERY - SUPER EFFECTIVITY (1x0.5x2=1) which is same as regular effectivity

How do you know if it's not very effective, regularly effective and super effective?
It's not very effective when the type resists it, and usually in games they show it's not very effective with a sound or indication after the move hits. When it's regularly effective, it means the Pokémon doesn't resist the move, and neither is hit super-effectively. Or, the Pokémon has two types, and one of those types are hit super-effectively by a type, but the other type of the Pokémon resists that type. A Pokemon is hit super-effectively when the move it is hit by gets 2x of the normal power.
2 votes

No it makes neutral damage, like rock/ground adds the water and grass weakness to make 4x weakness. Posion and flying makes 4x fighting resistance so they cancel or strengthen weaknesses and resistances. also immunities stay immunities

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