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have tried to use focus sash smeargle with spore+ingrain+baton. this isnt always working because of some things that often occures:

  • opposing Pokemon wakes up after one turn
  • opposing Pokemon is a grass type that is faster than smeargle
  • opposing Pokemon is faster and have insomnia.
  • opposing uses taunt before I can use spore

so I tried magic bounce mega absol with mean look and taunt and baton pass. worked better but not perfect, mainly because the oppponent often has a bug or fighting lead, but also some other minor things too .
the question is: do you guys knows any safe ways to baton pass, ingrain, as roar often spoils my strategy.



3 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Okay to combat taunt you could give your Smeargle a Mental Herb as a Mental Herb removes the effects of taunt.

Another option you could use is have another baton passer on your team such as Ninjask.

Baton Pass Ninjask (M) @Leftovers/ Mental Herb
Trait: Speed Boost
Nature: Timid
EV'S: 252 Speed, 252 HP, 4 Def

Baton Pass (Obviously)
Substitute (This is what your going to baton pass on to your Smeargle)
Agility (This is also what your going to baton pass to Smeargle to ensure your faster than your opponents)
Protect (To get a free Speed Boost turn and ensure your substitute is maintained.

The strategy is simple send out Ninjask at the start of a battle or when you have an opening. Use Protect so you get a free Speed Boost up. With Ninjask's 160 base speed and after one Speed Boost you will be able to out speed any Choice Scarf user. Then use Substitute and then Agility on the next turn if you still have your Substitute. After that you can either set up another Agility or use Baton Pass.

If all goes to plan when you baton pass to Smeargle it should have a Substitute and a +2 Speed Boost at the very least thanks to Agility.

Hope you find this strategy interesting :)

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that might work, but what about roar before i can baton to smeargle? anyway, thanks!
Roar has - priority, so Baton Pass will always go first.
That depends, if the Roar happens on the turn of the Baton Pass, then Smeargle will get ejected.
1 vote

Smeargle is the only Pokemon that can learn Ingrain and Baton Pass together, so you'll have to IV breed for 31 Speed IVs, have a speed-increasing nature, and have 252 Speed EVs so you'll get the first jump.

Source (Even though it says "no Pokemon", Smeargle can still learn any move)

yes, i know. thats my strategy. i know i have to use smeargle but it often fails due to mainly opposing fast grass types. i want a safer strategy to set up that ingrain, some suggestions?
Even though they're pretty inaccurate, Hypnosis and Sing can do well.
yes, maybe;)
–1 vote

While passing speed would be helpful with ninjask, you never want to put all your eggs into one basket.

But let's take that since we are doing a baton pass team.

Baton pass
Leech life
Swords dance

Substitute and use swords dance to amp up leech life's power. It's a stab but also a solid heal once you get attack boosted. Make sure you have a defensive nature

Iron defense
False swipe( good for dealing with focus sash users, especially the level 1 variety trolls)
Bullet punch
Baton pass

I use the technician ability to increase the power of false swipe and bullet bunch. Iron defense help you make that substitute more durable.

Baton pass
Spikes x3 this will make sweeping a lot easier against non flying types
Stealth rock

Smeargle serves as a lead trap/ingrain support Pokemon. Obviously you'll swap through baton pass a few times to make sure he has a viable substitute in front of him as well as good pass off stats. Spikes and stealth rock would all but force opponents to have to have a spinner.

After that you can use anything you want. A full chain could be hella annoying. You could opt to add another passer with double team but that's overkill TBH since Ingrain with defense buffs and substitute keep your party full. So maybe a calm mind pass if you are a mixed sweeper or amnesia if you just want that extra defense.

Lastly you could opt to split smeargle traps with another passer like gliscor which should give you pretty solid coverage against fire and rock which hurt sciscar and ninjask. That swords dance passed to an earthquake can be devastating especially with the stab bonus.

Lastly your sweeper. I prefer kabutops with battle armor . Which blocks critical hits, the only thing that can ignore stat gains. Make sure you get a fresh substitute in before you switch him in cus he's the final piece of the chain.

*Kabutops Adamant nature
X scissor
Stone edge (for end game)/ rock slide for doubles

Last move strictly preference. You could use double team so that Ingrain will serve it's purpose or use night slash if you wAnt more coverage

I’m not sure how you think false swipe works, but if a Pokemon has focus sash, almost all moves will leave them with one hp. False swipe does not counter sash