As a complement to Kijani' post:
Trick Room Sweeper

Aromatisse @ Choice Specs:
Trait: Aroma Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 4 Def
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Speed / 0 Attack
- MoonBlast
- Thunderbolt
- Energy Ball
- Flash Cannon / Hidden Power {
} / Psyshock
I really love Aromatisse. Oh but seriously, it will be forgotten deep into the abyss of NU just because of Sylveon, which lacks a moveset, and Florges, an Uber. But the point in Aromatisse is that she works really well under Trick Room, and it can become a sweeper there. By minimizing the speed, I could pay attention to other stuff, such as its HP, the best stat it carries, as well as minimizing the speed for best effects under Trick Room. By reducing the attack stat, I make sure no Foul Play will do important damages, and I do not need this stat as well. Now, MoonBlast is the main STAB, with a scary 147.5 power when STABbed; it should shut down Zweilous, Gabite, Fraxure and Altaria. Thunderbolt, in the other hand, saw its power dropped to 90, but it is still very usable as it provides great coverage alongside Energy Ball, which both can hit Water Pokémon and together, Flying, Rock and Ground also doesn't resist it. I finally put on Flash Canon just to make sure that no Rock or Ice, or even Fairies will block me. I realized that we cannot hit Flareon who will simply setup on us with Flame charge, so why not carrying Hidden Power {Water
} for it ? Psyshock is a third option that you may use for hitting, um, Fighting and Poison, especially Poison, although not common in the tier.