I want to share my Greninja moveset.
My Greninja is:
Greninja (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Water Shuriken
- U-turn
- Aerial Ace
Shadow Sneak (Don't let Fighting hit us)
Water Shuriken (Last attack when the foe is low health)
U-turn (Swith out when in danger)
Aerial Ace (Deal with Fighting types and Grass type)
As a lot of Fighting-types know Mach Punch, and if their Spe is higher than Greninja, then we will get rekt.
I choose this kind of moveset is because when we meet a Fighting-type, we can use Ghost type to deal some damage to it. Because 99% of them will use mach punch, as our base speed stat is higher then them, they can't hit us but we can, next we use aerial ace to it to kill them. Even the foe's Sturdy or Focus Sash is no use now.
And that's how I troll fighting type Pokemon.
If the foe switch out, we will use U-Turn of course; and the last attack -- WATER SHURIKEN! I love this move because when we hit the foe 5 times, the base power is 75, and it moves first! Good to deal with Talonflame (if you're lucky enough to get 5 hits).