PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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If I were fighting a Mega Evolved Pokemon and:

  • It uses Fling: Will I get the Mega Stone? Will it revert it back to his original form? Can it use it in the first place?
  • I use Embargo: Can I disable its Mega Evolution, or will it leave it unaffected?
  • I use Thief: Can I steal the Mega Stone? Will it revert it back to its original form? Can I use it in the first place?

1 Answer

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The above answer is incorrect

As stated by Bulbapedia;
>Mega Stones, unlike other held items, cannot be taken via Thief.

Additionally, in this ingame youtube video, Embargo is shown to not stop the opponent's mega evolution, so it leaves the opponent unaffected.

No garuntees on this, but due to the fact that Mega Stones are not affected by fling and thief, and to the best of my knowledge trick and knock off, I would also assume Fling would not affect it.
Additionally if it does, I'd think the Pokemon would not revert to it's original form, since Mega Evolution lasts the duration of the match and I don't know anything which nullifies it.

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I wish that wasn't true. I found this out by thiefing lysandres mega gyrados and not getting anything