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7 votes

So far I've gotten:
Gengarite in Laverre City.
Lucarionite in the Tower of Mystery.
Charizardite X from Professor Sycamore with Charmander.

But where can I find the rest?

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1 Answer

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Best answer

For Mega Stone locations in OR/AS, click here! You can find all of the old Mega Stones in OR/AS too. If you want Mega Stones in X and Y, see below

Note that most of the Mega Stones require your Mega Ring to be upgraded to appear. To upgrade your Mega Ring, you must firstly defeat your rival in Kiloude City. He or she will be at the pond at the top of the town if you use the Battle Maison for a while. Then, meet Prof. Sycamore in Anistar City's sundial and he will upgrade your Mega Ring.


This one is given to you if you talk to the Abomasnow you saved at the end of Frost Cavern.


If you defeat your rival in a battle in Kiloude City (which is postgame), he or she will give you their spare Absolite.


A scientist in the Fossil Lab in Ambrette Town will give it to you once you have returned from the Glittering Cave.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM and is exclusive to Y. When you enter Cyllage Gym, go to the right and climb the first wall, then climb the next wall on the right. It is on the ground around the corner.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM. You can find this Mega Stone on B3F of the Reflecting Cave.


Go to Azure Bay and you'll find an old man on an island who will give this to you. The man is standing next to a fisherman and the island is just south of the Sea Spirits Den entrance.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM. It can be found at the Chamber of Emptiness, which can be accessed via Route 22.


When you get to choose one of the former starter Pokemon from Professor Sycamore, pick Squirtle and you'll get this Mega Stone. If you didn't get it from him, you will be able to buy it from a man in the Stone Emporium in Lumiose City. It costs 1,000,000 - 10,000 Pokedollars depending on how stylish you are and is only available every three days.


You get this from the event Torchic that is being distributed via Mystery Gift until January 2014. You need to go to the main menu and choose Mystery Gift. Select Receive Gift, then Via Internet and you'll get the Torchic after visiting talking to the woman to the left of the desk in any Pokemon Center. It's holding the Blazikenite. You cannot get this Mega Stone otherwise.

Charizardite X/Y

When you get to choose one of the former starter Pokemon from Professor Sycamore, pick Charmander and you'll get this Mega Stone. Depending on the version of the game you have, you'll receive either the X or Y version of the stone. If you didn't get it from him, you will be able to buy it from a man in the Stone Emporium in Lumiose City. It costs 1,000,000 - 10,000 Pokedollars depending on how stylish you are and is only available every three days.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM. You'll find this one near a small tower loward the latter end of Victory Road. The tower is behind a wall that must be destroyed by Rock Smash.


Find Diantha in Lumiose City, who is in Cafe Soleil (ride a Lumi Cab to find it easily). Trade any Pokemon with her to get a Ralts with the stone. This is only available postgame.


A Hex Maniac will give this to you in Laverre City.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM. It's in the south-eastern section of Couriway Town. There are three small waterfalls and this stone is in the middle one.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM and is exclusive to Pokemon Y. It's found in some tall grass in Santalune Forest, near the Route 2 entrance.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM and is exclusive to Pokemon Y. In Route 16, there is a spot where two skaters are going around a rock formation. The stone is on the ground on the southern side.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM. Go inside Glittering Cave and take the first right. The stone will be found at the dead end.


After defeating Korrina at the Tower of Mastery, she'll give you a Lucario holding this.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM and is exclusive to Pokemon X. In Route 16, there is a spot where two skaters are going around a rock formation. The stone is on the ground on the southern side.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM. When you enter Shabboneau Castle at Camphrier Town, go to the left and use the stairs to get to the second floor. The stone is on the ground just north of the western staircase.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM. It can be found in Lavarre City, by a well.

Mewtwonite X/Y

The stone you receive depends on the version of the game you have. You'll get the stone when you capture Mewtwo in the cave west of Pokemon Village.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM and is exclusive to Pokemon X. It's found in some tall grass in Santalune Forest, near the Route 2 exit/entrance.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM. It can be found behind the Abomasnow at the end of Frost Cavern.


Requires an upgraded Mega Ring
This one can only be found from 8 - 9 PM and is exclusive to Pokemon X. When you enter Cyllage Gym, go to the right and climb the first wall, then climb the next wall on the right. It is on the ground around the corner.


When you get to choose one of the former starter Pokemon from Professor Sycamore, pick Ivysaur and you'll get this Mega Stone. If you didn't get it from him, you will be able to buy it from a man in the Stone Emporium in Lumiose City in the postgame. It costs 1,000,000 - 10,000 Pokedollars depending on how stylish you are and is only available every three days.

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Yes, you need to trade for the Mega Stones that aren't in the version you have.
It is the same with houndour/houndoom and electrike/manectric. You can only get electrike in pokemon Y, and you get manectite in pokemon X, and you can only get houndour in pokemon X, and you get houndoominite in pokemon Y.
Thanks but for venusaur and blastoise (I picked charizard, Charizard X isnt weak to stealth rock anymore) Where can I get the 2, I beat the game, and my internet isnt too good on my DS, when I try some error code comes up and I have internet on it, Help me?
mewthelegend, you can get ivysaur, wartortle and charmeleon on the Friend Safari
Who else but quagmire?
And thx for the info Viking Jofly