Hey AbsoLoveer97
I always use Miltank:

Besides his cool stats, his movepull is very good.
For a healer Pokémon I alwis give him this moveset:
Milk Drink : Miltank can learn this move on Lv. 11. It is a great move to heal not only Miltank but all your other team members as well.
Heal Bell : Miltank can learn this move on Lv. 48. This will allow you to cure eny status-effects in your team.
Double Edge : Miltank can learn this move by a move tutor. You gain STAB and with the great power of this move plus Miltank's Attack stat, this is quite powerfull.
Attract : Miltank can learn this move by TM. It is just to annoy male Pokémon and gives you some free turns to heal up your Pokémon.
hope I helped you