PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

I saw this question somewhere before, but I cannot find it at all. Can you please aither answer this or give me the link to the question?

Here's an example of what I'm trying to ask-


  • Attack - Pokémon (Max Attack Stat)
  • Defense - Pokémon (Max Defense Stat)
  • Special Attack - Pokémon (Max Sp.Atk Stat)
  • Special Defense - Pokémon (Max Sp.Def Stat)
  • Speed - Pokémon (Max Speed Stat)
  • HP - Pokémon (Max HP)

So one of them would be like this-


  • HP - Blissey (714)


I would really appreciate all of this. :D I'll make sure to make it the best answer :D

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5 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

I'll just update the whole thing to Generation 7.


  • Attack - Slaking and Regigigas (460)
  • Defense - mega Audino (386)
  • Special Attack - Porygon-Z, mega Pidgeot, and Drampa (405)
  • Special Defense - Blissey (405)
  • Speed - mega Lopunny (405)
  • HP - Blissey (714)


  • Attack - Darmanitan (416)
  • Defense - Turtonator (405)
  • Special Attack - mega Charizard Y (458)
  • Special Defense - mega Charizard Y (361)
  • Speed - Talonflame (386)
  • HP - Entei (434)


  • Attack - mega Gyarados (449)
  • Defense - mega Slowbro and Cloyster (504)
  • Special Attack - Ash Greninja (445)
  • Special Defense - Toxapex (421)
  • Speed - Ash Greninja (399)
  • HP - Wailord (544)


  • Attack - Electivire (379)
  • Defense - Alolan Golem (394)
  • Special Attack - Xurkitree (489)
  • Special Defense - mega Ampharos (350)
  • Speed - Electrode (438)
  • HP - Lanturn (454)


  • Attack - Kartana (507)
  • Defense - Kartana and Ferrothorn (397)
  • Special Attack - mega Sceptile (427)
  • Special Defense - Virizion (392)
  • Speed - mega Sceptile (427)
  • HP - Gogoat (450)


  • Attack - black Kyurem (482)
  • Defense - Avalugg (513)
  • Special Attack - mega Abomasnow (399)
  • Special Defense - Regice (548)
  • Speed - Weavile (383)
  • HP - Lapras (464)


  • Attack - mega Heracross (515)
  • Defense - Buzzwole (414)
  • Special Attack - Keldeo (392)
  • Special Defense - Virizion (392)
  • Speed - mega Lopunny (405)
  • HP - Hariyama (492)


  • Attack - mega Beedrill (438)
  • Defense - Toxapex (443)
  • Special Attack - Gengar (394)
  • Special Defense - Toxapex (421)
  • Speed - mega Beedrill (427)
  • HP - Amoonguss (432)


  • Attack - mega Garchomp (482)
  • Defense - mega Steelix (614)
  • Special Attack - mega Camerupt (427)
  • Special Defense - Claydol (372)
  • Speed - Dugtrio (372)
  • HP - Rhyperior (434)


  • Attack - mega Rayquaza (504)
  • Defense - Skarmory (416)
  • Special Attack - mega Rayquaza (504)
  • Special Defense - Mantine (416)
  • Speed - Ninjask (460)
  • HP - Drifblim (504)


  • Attack - mega Gallade (471)
  • Defense - mega Slowbro (504)
  • Special Attack - mega Alakazam (493)
  • Special Defense - mega Latias (438)
  • Speed - mega Alakazam (438)
  • HP - Wobbuffet (584)


  • Attack - mega Heracross (515)
  • Defense - Shuckle (614)
  • Special Attack - Vikavolt (427)
  • Special Defense - Shuckle (614)
  • Speed - Ninjask (460)
  • HP - Buzzwole (418)


  • Attack - Rampardos (471)
  • Defense - Shuckle (614)
  • Special Attack - mega Diancie (460)
  • Special Defense - Shuckle (614)
  • Speed - mega Aerodactyl (438)
  • HP - Aurorus (450)


  • Attack - mega Banette (471)
  • Defense - Doublade (438)
  • Special Attack - Blacephalon (441)
  • Special Defense - Dusknoir (405)
  • Speed - Gengar (350)
  • HP - Drifblim (504)


  • Attack - mega Rayquaza (504)
  • Defense - Turtonator (405)
  • Special Attack - mega Rayquaza (504)
  • Special Defense - mega Latias and Goodra (438)
  • Speed - mega Sceptile (427)
  • HP - Guzzlord (650)


  • Attack - mega Tyranitar (469)
  • Defense - mega Tyranitar (438)
  • Special Attack - unbound Hoopa (482)
  • Special Defense - mega Gyarados, Umbreon, and unbound Hoopa (394)
  • Speed - Ash Greninja (399)
  • HP - Guzzlord (650)


  • Attack - Kartana (507)
  • Defense - mega Steelix and mega Aggron (614)
  • Special Attack - Magnezone, Heatran, and Magearna (394)
  • Special Defense - Registeel and Probopass (438)
  • Speed - Alolan Dugtrio (350)
  • HP - Excadrill (424)


  • Attack - mega Diancie (460)
  • Defense - Carbink and Diancie (438)
  • Special Attack - Gardevoir (471)
  • Special Defense - Florges (447)
  • Speed - Tapu Koko (394)
  • HP - Wigglytuff (484)


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7 votes

I'm going to assume you mean the highest of each stat for each different type. Not counting Ubers :3.


HP - Blissey (714)
Attack - Slaking (460)
Defense - Miltank (339)
Special Attack - Porygon-Z (405)
Special Defense - Blissey (405)
Speed - Meloetta Pirouette Form (390), if not counting this, Swellow (383)


HP - Hariyama (492)
Attack - Conkeldurr (416)
Defense - Cobalion (392)
Special Attack - Keldeo (392)
Special Defense - Virizion (392)
Speed - Meloetta Pirouette Form (390), if not counting this, 4 Musketeers + Infernape (346)


HP - Entei (434)
Attack - Darmanitan (416)
Defense - Torkoal (416)
Special Attack - Chandelure (427)
Special Defense - Flareon (350)
Speed - Infernape (346)


HP - Drifblim (504)
Attack - Archeops (416)
Defense - Skarmory (416)
Special Attack - Zapdos/Moltres (383)
Special Defense - Mantine (416)
Speed - Ninjask (460)


HP - Wailord (544)
Attack - Kingler (394)
Defense - Cloyster (504)
Special Attack - Keldeo (392)
Special Defense - Mantine (416)
Speed - Starmie (361)


HP - Amoonguss (432)
Attack - Breloom (394)
Defense - Ferrothorn (397)
Special Attack - Exeggutor/Roserade (383)
Special Defense - Virizion (392)
Speed - Sceptile (372)


HP - Amoonguss (432)
Attack - Toxicroak (342)
Defense - Weezing (372)
Special Attack - Gengar (394)
Special Defense - Tentacruel (372)
Speed - Crobat (394)


HP - Lanturn (454)
Attack - Electivire (379)
Defense - Magnezone (361)
Special Attack - Magnezone (394)
Special Defense - All Rotom Forms, discounting original (344)
Speed - Electrode (416)


HP - Rhyperior (434)
Attack - Rhyperior (416)
Defense - Steelix (548)
Special Attack - Camerupt (339)
Special Defense - Claydol (372)
Speed - Dugtrio (372)


HP - Wobbufett (584)
Attack - Metagross (405)
Defense - Metagross (394)
Special Attack - Darmanitan Zen Mode (416), if not counting this Alakazam (405)
Special Defense - Bronzong (364)
Speed - Alakazam (372)


HP - Rhypherior (434)
Attack - Rampardos (471)
Defense - Shuckle (614)
Special Attack - Omastar (361)
Special Defense - Shuckle (614)
Speed - Aerodactyl (394)


HP - Lapras (464)
Attack - Mamoswine (394)
Defense - Cloyster (504)
Special Attack - Glaceon (394)
Special Defense - Cryogonal (405)
Speed - Weavile (383)


HP - Yanmega (376)
Attack - Escavalier (405)
Defense - Shuckle (614)
Special Attack - Volcarona (405)
Special Defense - Shuckle (614)
Speed - Ninjask (460)


HP - Garchomp (420)
Attack - Haxorus (432)
Defense - Shelgon (328)
Special Attack - Hydreigon (383)
Special Defense - Altaria (339)
Speed - Garchomp (333)


HP - Drifblim (504)
Attack - Golurk (381)
Defense - Cofagrigus (427)
Special Attack - Chandelure (427)
Special Defense - Dusknoir (405)
Speed - Gengar (350)


(Credit to MysticMaxwell btw)
HP- Mandibuzz (424)
Attack - Tyranitar (403)
Defense - Scrafty (361)
Special Attack - Hydreigon (383)
Special Defense - Umbreon (394)
Speed - Weavile (383)


HP - Excadrill (424)
Attack - Metagross/Excadrill/Escavalier (405)
Defense - Steelix (548)
Special Attack - Magnezone/Heatran (394)
Special Defense - Probopass (438)
Speed - Durant (348)


No one knows :3

Finally done! Feel free to correct if I stuffed up something or missed something

Adding in Gen 6 later

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holy cow that's long.
You said you wouldn't list legendaries but you listed Meloetta, Coballion, Virizion, Keldeo, Entei, Zapdos, and Moltres. Sorry, but I don't know what should take their place.
Sorry I mean Ubers.
You forgot black Kyurem. It should be the strongest physical attack of dragon and ice types.
Black kyurem is ice/dragon, not dark
1 vote

I didn't see the other post either, but here's one for the Dark type.


  • HP: Mandibuzz (424)
  • Attack: Tyranitar (403)
  • Defense: Scrafty (361)
  • Special Attack: Hydreigon (383)
  • Special Defense: Umbreon (394)
  • Speed: Weavile (383)

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1 vote

Here's one for Fairy:
HP - Wigglytuff (484)
Attack - Tapu Bulu (394), if not counting this, Granbull (372)
Defense - Carbink/Diancie (438)
Special Attack - Tapu Lele/Magearna (394), if not counting this, Primarina (386)
Special Defense - Florges (447)
Speed - Tapu Koko (394), if not counting this, Ribombee (381)

HP-Wigglytuff (140)
Attack-M. Diancie (160), Xerneas (131), Tapu Bulu (130), **if not counting megas/mythicals** Granbull (120)
Defense-Diancie and Carbink (150)
S. Attack-M. Gardevoir (165),M. Diance (160), Xerneas (131), Tapu Lele and Magearna (130), **if not counting megas/mythicals** Primarina (126)
S. Defense-Florges (154)
Speed-Tapu Koko (130), **if not counting megas/mythicals** Ribombee (124)
Ah, sorry. I forgot that they don't include Mega Evolutions because they wanted to add Gen 6 later. I didn't include Xerneas because they don't want Ubers to be included.
0 votes

I think it was actually a question I asked a while ago.
You can look through the list and find what you want specifically, here's the top ten Pokemon from each stat.

HP Stat:
Blissey- 714
Chansey- 704
Wobbuffet- 584
Wailord- 544
Alomomola- 534
Snorlax- 524
Slaking- 504
Drifblim- 504
Giratina-Normal- 504
Giratina-Origin form- 504

Attack Stat:
Deoxys-Attack form- 504
Black Kyurem Form-482
Rampardos- 471
Slaking- 460
Regigigas- 460
Groudon- 438
Rayquaza- 438
Deoxys-Normal form- 438
Zekrom- 438
Haxorus- 432

Defensive Stat:
Shuckle- 614
Steelix- 548
Regirock- 548
Cloyster- 504
Aggron- 504
Bastiodon- 478
Onix- 460
Deoxys-Defense- 460
Registeel- 438
Probopass- 427

Special Attack Stat:
Deoxy-Attack form- 504
White Kyurem Form- 482
Mewtwo- 447
Kyogre- 438
Rayquaza- 438
Deoxys-Normal- 438
Dialga- 438
Palkia- 438
Reshiram- 438
Thundurus- 427

Special Defense Stat:
Shuckle- 614
Regice- 548
Deoxys-Defense- 460
Lugia- 447
Ho-Oh- 447
Regesteel- 438
Probopass- 438
Mantine- 416
Kyogre- 416
Bastiodon- 412

Speed Stat:
Deoxys-Speed form- 504
Ninjask- 460
Deoxys-Normal- 438
Accelgor- 427
Electrode- 416
Jolteon- 394
Aerodactyl- 394
Mewtwo- 394
Crobat- 394

Total Stat:
Arceus- 720
White Kyurem- 700
Black Kyurem- 700
Mewtwo- 680
Lugia- 680
Ho-Oh- 680
Rayquaza- 680
Dialga- 680
Palkia- 680
Giratina- 680

Yeah. Hope this helps!

i thought he was asking for the highest of each stat in each different type, rather than just the highest stat out of all the pokemon?