I was trading over gts netogations and someone showed me this weird rainbowy egg, could someone explain this, and if it is legit how do you get them and what could they contain???
Did the Egg look anything like this? If so, that's a Manaphy Egg. It contains a Manaphy, and it's 100% legal. They can be received from the Pokemon Ranger games. If it did not look like that or the normal spotted Egg, it's hacked.
It could have been a Manaphy egg.
Here is what they look like.
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://d8kyhhndkm363.cloudfront.net/8/146334/Manaphy_Egg_Sprite_by_Forest_Sage.png&imgrefurl=https://www.makewav.es/story/146334/title/allaboutpokemon&h=510&w=427&sz=135&tbnid=4rqN1RXbqULS9M:&tbnh=86&tbnw=72&prev=/search?q=manaphy+egg&tbm=isch&tbo=u&zoom=1&q=manaphy egg&usg=__nEPOY4refPVs_Gw40dRVPDwrMqc=&docid=z6ruQ9y6VNyojM&sa=X&ei=FlEsUrP0OZfH4AOK-IDIBw&sqi=2&ved=0CDYQ9QEwAQ&dur=1982
Hope I helped!
it's probably a hack, cause I have never heard of or seen such a thing. Hope I helped!