Theoretically yes, as the general idea is clever, but not with these Pokemon as:
- Lumineon would have to compete in a tier that it could not hold its own.
- Attacks that hit numerous opponents are popular, such as Surf and Discharge, these attacks would destroy Rhyperior and Lumineon.
- Strategies like this can only excel by using these abilities to their full potential and here is a reason why this team cannot do this.
- Strom Drain can increase a Pokemon's SP.ATK if hit by a WAT attack but Surf would be a waste on Rhyperior due to a SP.ATK stat of 55 and the move not even having STAB.
- If Lumineon was a ground type Pokemon then Lighting Rod would not be needed on Rhyperior for Lumineon's protection and then Lighting Rod would be a waste on Rhyperior as, being a ground type Pokemon, neither Pokemon would be damaged by an electric attack.
- [REPEAT] If Lumineon was a ground type Pokemon then Lighting Rod would not be needed on Rhyperior for Lumineon's protection and then Lighting Rod would be a waste on Rhyperior as, being a ground type Pokemon, neither Pokemon would be damaged by an electric attack.
- Lumineon can't take hits or dish them out so can easily be replaced by another Storm Drainer.
Lanturn@Leftovers/Air Balloon/Lum Berry [IOYC]
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SP.ATK, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31 IVs)
- Discharge - Powerful STAB electric attack that hits all Pokemon but doesn't affect Gastrodon.
- Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and increases Gastrodon's special attack by 1 stage.
- Signal Beam/Stockpile/Thunder Wave - Powerful move that covers the team's common GRA weakness/increases Lanturn's defence and special defence by 1 stage/paralyses an opponent.
- Signal Beam/Stockpile/Thunder Wave - Powerful move that covers the team's common GRA weakness/increases Lanturn's defence and special defence by 1 stage/paralyses an opponent.
Gastrodon@Leftovers/Lum Berry [IOYC]
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SP.ATK, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31 IVs)
- Earth Power- Powerful STAB ground move that is unexpected (because it is a special attack) allowing Gastrodon to easily cripple certain physical walls (Mega-Aggron, Steelix, Avalugg, Aggron, Onix, Doublade, Lairon, Tokoal, Carracosta, Golem, Relicanth and Rhyperior).
- Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and restores Lanturn's HP by 25%.
- Ice Beam - Powerful ice type attack that covers Gastrodon's only weakness, GRA [4x].
- Recover - Restores 50% of Gastrodon's HP.
Lanturn@Leftovers/Air Balloon/Lum Berry [IOYC]
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SP.ATK, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31 IVs)
- Discharge - Powerful STAB electric attack that hits all Pokemon but doesn't affect Gastrodon.
- Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and increases Gastrodon's special attack by 1 stage.
- Signal Beam/Stockpile/Thunder Wave - Powerful move that covers the team's common GRA weakness/increases Lanturn's defence and special defence by 1 stage/paralyses an opponent.
- Signal Beam/Stockpile/Thunder Wave - Powerful move that covers the team's common GRA weakness/increases Lanturn's defence and special defence by 1 stage/paralyses an opponent.
Seismitoad@Leftovers/Lum Berry [IOYC]
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 SP.ATK, 4 HP
Nature: Adamant (+ATK, -SP.ATK)
Characteristic: Takes Plenty Of Siestas (+HP, 31 IVs)
- Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and restores Lanturn's HP by 25%.
- Hyper Voice - Powerful move that hits both opponents and strikes neutral on a lot of Pokemon.
- Earthquake - Powerful STAB ground attack that hits all Pokemon but not Lanturn because it has an Air Balloon.
- Rock Slide - Powerful move that hits both opponents with a chance to flinch.
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SP.ATK, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31 IVs)
- Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and restores 25% of Jellicent's HP.
- Signal Beam/Ice Beam/Air Slash [DOROT] - Powerful bug attack that gives type coverage and covers team's GRA weakness and Jellicent's DAR weakness/powerful ice attack that gives type coverage and covers team's GRA weakness/powerful flying attack that gives type coverage and covers team's GRA weakness with a chance to flinch [30%] if the target hasn't yet moved.
- Toxic - Weakens the opponent every turn - perfect tactic for Suicune's and Jellicent's bulk and recovery moves.
- Aqua Ring Restores 1/16 th of HP every turn.
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SP.ATK, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31 IVs)
- Surf - Powerful STAB water attack that hits all Pokemon and restores 25% of Suicune's HP.
- Hex - STAB ghost move that becomes extremely powerful if the target has a status condition [BRN or POI].
- Giga Drain/Will-O-Wisp - Powerful grass type move that recovers HP/weakens the opponent every turn and halves their attack .
- Recover - Restores 50% of Jellicent's HP.
[IOYC] = Item Of Your Choice
[DOROT] = Dependant On Rest Of Team