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I have a Ninjask on my team, a Cresselia, a Starmie and a Kyurem-B, Cress is for setting up screens so Kyurem doesn't get killed Starmie is for Rapid Spinning but I need another Pokemon that isn't harrased by priority and has loads of attack, any ideas?

Thanks for all your aanswers, I've decided I'm using Metagross.

4 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

Well there are a few but I can only think of 3 right now

  • Metagross
  • Scizor
  • Gliscor

All 3 of them have and outstanding attack stat and can demolish without needing speed as a main factor.However in order for Gliscor to sweep at his best he will often need a boost from Agility and Sword Dance.


I would say that Metagross is the best out of the three seeing that it has the best Attack stat, lesser need of speed compared to the other too and can take all the priority moves outstandingly well. Here is a little chart

Neutrally affected by:

  • Mach Punch

Resistant to:

  • Quick Attack, Bullet Punch, Fake Out, ExtremeSpeed, Ice Shard

Weak to:

  • None

Packed with 130 base Defense the priority moves will be doing nothing. It has a high offensive presence as a base 135 Attack will enable it to hit like a truck. When boosted by a choice band it will most likely be KOing to 2HKOing everything in the tier barring the defensive titans.


  • High Attack
  • High Defense
  • Decent Special Defense
  • Decent Special Attack
  • Wide movepool
  • Excellent typing


  • Mediocre Speed
    (But seeing that you don't necessarily want it to e fast, that doesn't seem to form such a big con)
  • Weakness to Fire and Ground


Scizor has always been a great Pokemon and is a Star in OU. It's has an outstanding Attack stat as well as a nice defense. It's ability should be what makes Scizor such a great Bulky Attacker. Since it learns a lot of moves with a base power of 60 and lower, they all reach a nice base power thanks to Technician

Neutrally affected by:

  • Mach Punch

Resistant to:

  • Quick Attack, Bullet Punch, Fake out, ExtremeSpeed, Ice Shard

Weak to:

  • None

Bullet Punch is pretty much Scizor's signature move as there is no other Pokemon that can use it better then Scizor itself. This is all to thank to Technician. After one Sword Dance boost, Scizor's power reaches extreme levels that crushes any unresisting Pokemon


  • Ability: Technician
  • Wide Movepool
  • High Attack stat
  • Nice Defense Stat
  • Decent Typing


  • 4X weakness to Fire
  • Below average Speed(Bullet Punch is Sciozr's most reliable and powerful Priority move. Should a Pokemon resist it, Scizor would e too slow to outspeed it and will most likely be canceled out


Gliscor is the fastest out of the 3 and is pretty much a little poison dart. When it is boosted in attack and speed just once, it is capable of sweeping an entire team due to it's wide movepool. With it's high defenses, it fears little and it can take all but Ice shard well

Neutrally affected by:

  • Quick Attack, Fake Out, ExtremeSpeed, Bullet Punch

Resistant to:

  • Mach Punch

Weak to:

  • Ice Shard

It has a nice base 95 Attack stat, base 95 Speed stat and a wonderful base 125 Defense stat that make it quite the wall. After One Sword Dance it is capable of sweeping like a boss whiles Agility which is not as needed as Sword Dance will enable it to outpace majority of the tier. With access to both the STAB Earthquake and Acrobatics, Gliscor should not be taken lightly


  • Decent Attack Stat
  • Decent Speed Stat
  • High Defense Stat
  • Excellent movepool


  • Typing (It's typing gives it nasty weaknesses to common types (Ice/Water)
  • Mediocre Special Defense

I personally think that these are very good bulky attackers that will work well including on your team. I will add might add some more when I think of them

selected by
Metagross is weak to sucker punch
4 votes


enter image description here @ Lum Berry/Leftovers/Life Orb
Trait: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Agility
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch/Thunder Punch

Not harassed by Bullet Punch, Ice Shard, Quick Attack, Fake Out, etc. Agility sweeper Metagross has a ton of attack and it's usually low speed is boosted to high levels by Agility. If you are planning on Ninjask passing speed, then some other move can be used to fill in the spot. I suggest passing some attack boosts too becuase Metagross doesn't learn Swords Dance :(

1 vote

Scizor@ life orb 252 Atk 252 Hp 4 Def Ev's
Adment nature +Atk-S.atk
Trait : Tecnichan 1.5 x damge if the move dose 60 or less


Bullet Punch (STAB + Tecnichan moves first)
X-Sizzors (Strong bug type move +STAB)
Swords Dance / once x2 Atk Sciz is going to hit hard
Night Slash / Decent Ghost ,Psy Coverage

edited by
0 votes

Well this may be because I really like this guy but go Ampharos(I go Mega but you don't have too)
Mega---> Ampahros @Ampharosite
Moveset: Confuse Ray
Dragon Pulse
Focus Blast
If it is not mega maybe life orb or focus sash

Why confuse Ray??? Because AMPHAROS is slow and if he gets a free hit the it's gonna be powerful and confuse Ray does it! NOBODY EXPECTS IT and that why I use it. It is 100% and it help with sweeping and just winning in general

Also Focus Blast is good for rock types which most of the type are rock ground and can eq you. Focus Blast one shots them cuz of the lack of special defense.

Thunder/ThunderBolt It an electric type enough said

Dragon Pulse for the Dragons and just for things in between

This move set has been good for me because this thing is slow but powerful.
It is super bulky having 105 Defense and 110 Special Defense and it has outrageous special Attack of 165!!!
Just so you know the reason I mentioned this is because it's my favorite Pokemon!!!
