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5 votes

Sweeping Pokemon are Pokemon that go into battle, and just pown the other team. The just keep going and killing all the other Pokemon. Come on all you DB users, I want answers! Each answer (if good..) will earn a point! I would like to see some movesets, pics of each Poke, items and WHY you picked them!!!Ok ive said enough, Do your best DB Users!!

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i would appreciate movesets and items, not 1 moveand 1 Poke
You're gonna be suprised but: falinnks. instant massive buffs from no retreat. theres a lot of variety in its moveset,. so heres what you do.       life orb,      defiant      no retreat,throat chop,close combat,poison jab       sp 252, atk 252, hp4.     jolly.                  set up once and watch enemies fall

34 Answers

0 votes


trait-rock head
item-hard stone
evs- 252 atk / 252 spd / 4 hp

Head smash
Dragon dance
dragon tail

I find this a good combo as a counter for a lot of megas, as long as it can hit first. This combo's main move is Head Smash, and with the hard stone and dragon dance, this thing can do serious damage, even OHKO some Pokemon. And with the ability rock head, it does not take any recoil damage. The only problem this Pokemon has is Fighting, Fairy, dragon, Water and Ground (notably, Primal Groudon and Kyogure).

0 votes


I know your thinking that I'm crazy, and your not wrong. But Dedenne is still a good sweeper and is VERY unlikely
Here is the set
Dedenne @ Salac Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Nuzzle
- Play Rough
- Iron Tail
- Substitute

When using this, you want to go down to the level where you eat the berry with substitute, then it will regain health with Cheek Pouch. After that, just use Nuzzle, Play Rough, and Iron Tail to win


0 votes

Here's a Good Cupcake (Slurpuff) Moveset:

Slurpuff (F) @ Salac Berry
Ability: Underden
Nature Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Atk)
Ev's: Attack and Speed
Role: Belly Drum-Salac Berry Sweeper

  1. Belly Drum - Use this to have +6 Attack but at the Risk of using half of Your Slurpuff's Hp.
  2. Play Rough - STAB + A 10% Chance to Lower the Foe's Attack by One Stage.
  3. Drain Punch - Coverage against Steel, Ice and Rock Types + Regain some Hp Because of Belly Drum.
  4. Secret Power - In Wi-Fi battles, this move turns into Body Slam and use Body Slam to get that Chance of Paralysis to Piss your Opponent off.

The Plan is to use Belly Drum on the 1st turn. Then use Drain Punch to get some of your Up Back if the Foe is not a Ghost type Pokemon. Keep using Play Rough, Drain Punch, of Secret Power to Sweep until your Slurpuff's Hp gets Low enough to activate its Item, Salac Berry and Ability, Underden to get a Crapload of Speed to Sweep a Whole Team of 6. This Slurpuff Moveset helped me out in a lot of Battles and I hope this Moveset helps You out too :)

0 votes

Hmm... I didn't see any Garchomps in here... What happened guys?

Garchomp @Life Orb

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP

Adamant Nature

  • Swords Dance
  • Dragon Claw
  • Fire Fang
  • Earthquake

I've used this guy... PRETTY GOOD... I literally used 1 Swords Dance and I defeated my friend's HOLE TEAM!!
Well.. I hope I helped!

0 votes

Held Item: Tyranitarite
EVs: 252 attack, 252 speed
Stone Edge
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw

Use Dragon Dance around 2-3 times, then you're good to go. Just sweep all of the Pokemon in your way.

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0 votes


Ability: Weak Armor
EVs: 252 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Item: Focus Sash
Shell Smash
Earth Power
Hydro Pump/Surf
Ice Beam

Omastar is, in my opinion, a very underrated Shell Smash user. With a 115 base Sp. Attack, it can pack a punch, and a 125 defense stat means it doesn't always have to rely on Focus Sash. You, however, have to be wary of his lackluster 50 speed stat, somewhat keeping it from being a popular sweeper. However, after a Shell Smash, and even a Weak Armor prok, he can quickly change that. I prefer Hydro Punp, but to be safe, you can go with Surf, since he does not like to take a hit after Shell Smash. He can crush big threats, such as Landorus, especially Therian, with super-effective hits. And, in his bad ranking, NU, he can be a gigantic threat, and can sweep easily. He even gets Stealth Rocks and Rapid Spin, so he is a good Rocks setter who can dish out damage in return. Please comment, I am open to a response, good or bad!

0 votes

Lucaro@life orb
EV: atk 252/speed 252/HP 4
Jolly nature
-close combat
-bullet punch
-extreme speed

0 votes

Kommo-o @ Salac Berry
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Belly Drum
- Substitute
- Drain Punch
- Earthquake

Kommo-o has got to be one of my most successful sweepers lately, and I’ll tell you why. First start off with a substitute, cutting your hp to 75%. If you don’t get hit, great! You can now go for a belly drum, which will give you 4x attack but also the salac berry boost, increasing your speed by 1.5, allowing you to outspeed lots if not all Pokemon without any speed boosts. Recover with drain punch and get everything else with earthquake. Time to sweep!

0 votes

Hi! I just recently made some really good teams designed for sweeping, and getting a almost guaranteed win for Competitive Play (I play Pokemon Showdown competitively). So far, I've not lost a single battle with this team, and most of them I swept with only 1 or 2 mons, so here it is:

Kartana @ Razor Claw
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Careful Nature
- Sacred Sword
- Swords Dance
- Protect/ Substitute
- Leaf Blade

Kartana is insanely fast and has insane attack stats, but his defense just isn't there. While he may be great against most matchups, he still has multiple weaknesses, and I set up a great counter to all of his weaknesses that I thought of. Of course, his #1 weakness is fire, having a x4 weakness. Considering the fact that the fire type is mostly all about the special stats, (excluding Blaziken, Charizard X, etc.) it would only be logical that Kartana hits with attack rather than special attack. Not only that, but Kartana has the ability Beast Boost, and for Kartana specifically with this setup, the x1.5 boost would go towards his regular attack, making him insanely powerful. Still, Kartana would get stomped with fire, so this is why you need Protect or Substitute. However, I prefer Protect because your opponent may try to burn you (Will-o-Wisp goes through Substitute), which halves your attack stat. Protect, however, blocks everything your opponent may throw at you. Another weakness would be Bug-Type Pokemon. While Bug isn't super effective towards Kartana, he has no good counters to it. Also, Bug-Types are mostly centered around the Special Attack stat as well, so they would rip through Kartana, with his base Special Defense stat being around 31. While this moveset has no direct counters to Bug Pokemon, if you get your attack stat high enough, he should take care of them really easily, but just pray that your opponent doesn't have a Beedrill or Butterfree on hand. Also, if you have Razor Claw paired with Leaf Blade, it becomes better and better as you continue using Leaf Blade, as the crit chance keeps rising, and eventually you will get a crit almost every time, as the Razor Claw has the same crit ratio as Leaf Blade.
(Link here for whoever wants to see crit rates, this guy does a pretty good explanation with it https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/998/how-high-is-a-high-critical-hit-ratio)

Pheromosa @ Wide Lens
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 184 Atk / 252 SpA / 72 Spe
Naive Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Quiver Dance
- Shockwave
- Agility/ Lunge

To be honest, it took me a while to think of a good addition to this team, because the last 'mon I added was Pheromosa. The reason I settled on her is because of both of her attack stats and speed. The move High Jump Kick has a 90% accuracy ratio, but in the slight chance there is a time it misses, it will take a massive chunk out of any 'mons health, right around 50%. The Wide Lens is to lessen this event happening by a large margin. The Wide Lens boosts a Pokemon's accuracy by x1.1, which if you don't feel like doing math, is 99%. I feel as though they kept it at a x1.1 factor and not any more is because High Jump Kick would be so much more insane, with its 130 base power. This would mean that unless you found a level 5 Pidgey on Route 2 spamming Sand-Attack (we've all been there), then you would dominate everything, and everyone. Seems solid just by this right? Not completely, as Flying types have a x4 damage factor set in as she is a Bug/ Fighting type Pokemon. That's why Shockwave is here! Shockwave is and Electric-Type move, and has 60 base power, and on top of that, never misses, no matter how much Sand-Attack is spammed! Quiver Dance is solid, great moves, buffs Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed! Awesome! So... why is Agility here? Well, it depends on your play style. Agility is here in case you are already one-shotting everything, but not outspeeding some, basically. However, if the majority of your opponents' team is slow but tanky, I would go for Lunge, which also lowers the opponents' Attack by 1 every time, so it's pretty good.

Beedrill-Mega @ Beedrillite
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 176 Atk / 80 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Roost
- U-turn
- Swords Dance
- Baton Pass

This one's going to be short and sweet. Basically, Beedrill isn't meant for sweeping, but rather Baton Pass spam. Unless your remaining Pokemon are the two Special Attackers (Deoxys-Attack and Greninja) I would recommend not using U-Turn unless you haven't used Swords Dance for Beedrill yet or only have used it once. The Mega is only here for Defense buff and in case of an emergency.

Deoxys-Attack @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Protect
- Psychic
- Recover

In my opinion, this move set on its own is complete garbage, and not even able to damage Dark Types. But with this team, I'm confident that this moveset is good for taking down those dumb Toxapex spammers. And I think we can all agree that physical Psychic type moves are not good for many things.

Tauros @ Leftovers
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 36 Def / 220 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Skull Bash
- Work Up
- Thrash
- Earthquake

Tauros was just another filler, not really important, and kinda self explanatory.... just a suicide attacker, and he works great!

Greninja-Ash @ Waterium Z
Ability: Battle Bond
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Water Shuriken
- Spikes
- Dark Pulse
- Hydro Pump

Alright last one. Greninja is obviously the favorite Kalos starter of Game Freak, pretty much giving him a not-so-much mega evolution. He's great, nice typing, great movepool, and good Speed with high Special Attack makes him a force to be reckoned with. After he KO's an opponent with an actual move (not like Spikes, Toxie, Stealth Rock, etc.) he turns into Ash-Greninja, which guess what? He's pretty freaking OP. His Water Shuriken attack gets buffed by 5 more base power per shot, which is actually really good. On top of that, he gains an extra 110 in total base stats, so yeah, pretty good. I don't even use Hydro Pump unless it's for the Z-Power, so stick with Water Shuriken....

TLDR; Each Pokemon listed has great qualities and strengths, but also weaknesses. I talked about some counters to these weaknesses and explained some Move Sets I gave each Pokemon. Hopefully you conquer all of your enemies with this team!

lol I spent 3 hours typing this

0 votes

If you use it right, Mimikyu is a BEAST.

Mimikyu@Sitrus Berry/Leftovers
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Disguise
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 SpD

Swords Dance
Play Rough
Shadow Claw
Drain Punch

Disguise = free setup for swords dance. Then you just sweep. It's not that hard. Leftovers or Sitrus Berry, your choice. Hope it helps!

0 votes

Cloyster @ Focus Sash
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Icicle Spear
- Shell Smash
- Pin Missile
- Rock Blast
- Shell smash skill link cloyster can obliterate your opponents easily

–1 vote

Scizor@Choice Band Ability:Technician

Nature:Adamant EVs 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 Def

Moves:Bullet Punch


Gengar@Life Orb Ability:Levitate

Nature:Rash EVs 252 SpA/252 Sp/4 SpD


           Shadow Ball
           Focus Blast
           HP (Fire)
Just add in descriptions :P
–1 vote

Bringing some good sweepers in Kanto.

enter image description here @Life Orb
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid/Modest Nature
Ability: Chlorophyll
-Giga Drain/Solarbeam
-Hidden Power [Fire/Rock]
-Sleep Powder/Sludge Bomb

Venusaur is a fantastic sweeper in Sunny weather. It's powerful, it's bulky,
and it's fast enough after a Chlorophyll boost to outrun virtually all
opponents. Growth makes it even better by doubling its Special Attack in
the Sun and making it extremely powerful. Use Giga Drain to restore health
or Solarbeam to take advantage of the sunlight. Hidden Power Fire is needed
for Steel types, but Rock takes care of Flying and Fire types. Sleep Powder
can put an opponent temporarily out of commision. You can also use Sludge
Bomb to take advantage of your Poison STAB.

http://pokestadium.com/pokemon/sprites/img/main-series/5/black-white/animated/front/6.gif @Choice Specs
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
Ability: Solar Power
-Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Overheat
-Dragon Pulse
-Hidden Power [Ground]
-Air Slash/Solarbeam

Utilizes the higher of Charizard's offensive stats. With Choice Specs, Timid
Charizard's Sp. Attack reaches 475 which is excellent, but with a boost from
Solar Power in the Sunny weather, it reaches a staggering 712! Any Fire attack
from this Pokemon will deal huge amounts of damage, even to Water types.
Dragon Pulse deals with Dragons. Hidden Power Ground hits Heatran and anything
else that has Flash Fire. Air Slash rounds out this set as a Flying STAB move.
Solarbeam can be used for Water-types, but be careful of weather changers like
Politoed and Tyranitar switching in.

Charizard @Life Orb
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
Ability: Solar Power
-Flamethrower/Fire Blast
-Dragon Pulse
-Hidden Power [Ground]

Life Orb Charizard doesn't have the same power as the Specs set. However it
is more versatile. Roost is needed because Life Orb recoil and damage from
Solar Power will really take a toll on your HP, not to mention your major
weakness to Stealth Rock.

Charizard @Salac Berry
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
-Belly Drum
-Fire Punch

Make sure your HP is divisible by 4 before using this set! Switch in against
something that can't hurt you much (i.e. Ground or Grass attacks). Belly Drum
takes away half your health, but maximizes your Attack. Substitute takes away
another 1/4th and activates Salac Berry for a Speed boost. You are now ready
to sweep with +6 Attack and +1 Speed.

enter image description here@Focus Sash/Life Orb
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
-Bug Buzz
-Sleep Powder/Hidden Power [Ground]
-Quiver Dance

With the awesome move Quiver Dance and awesome ability Tinted Lens,
Butterfree can actually attempt to sweep. Bug Buzz and Psychic are chosen
because after taking Tinted Lens into account, no Pokemon resists the two
except for Shedinja. HP Ground can be used to hit Heatran harder.

enter image description here@Choice Band/Choice Scarf
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
Ability: Sniper
-Brick Break
-Aerial Ace

Typical Choice sweeper. X-Scissor is your main move and U-Turn is for
scouting. Brick Break covers Steel and Rock types. Aerial Ace is for Fighting

Beedrill @Salac Berry
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
Ability: Swarm

The main idea is to get yourself down to 1 HP by using Substitute or enduring a
hit, and acquiring a speed boost from Salac Berry. Then use Endeavor to bring
your opponents down to 1 HP and finish them off with another attack. Thief can
steal an item from the opponent before you faint.

enter image description here @Choice Band/Choice Scarf
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
-Brave Bird
-Steel Wing

The standard moveset for Normal/Flying bird Pokemon. Brave Bird is your main
attack for most things. Return and Double-Edge are for Normal STAB. Steel
Wing is your only attack effective against Rock-types. U-Turn scouts for
counters and can get you out of trouble.


Cons : Suddenly the bacon were feathers.

enter image description here@Flame Orb
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
Ability: Guts
-Super Fang/U-Turn

Protect to scout for attacks and let Flame Orb burn yourself, then hit things
with a Guts boosted 140-power Facade. Crunch is for Ghost-types and Super Fang
weakens Steels. U-Turn can also be used to make a quick getaway while you
switch to a team member.

Raticate @Focus Sash
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
Ability: Guts
-Quick Attack/Sucker Punch

Survive a powerful physical attack, then Counter it back. Once you're at low
HP, use Reversal or Endeavor depending on what works better against the
opponent you're facing. Quick Attack finishes off weakened foes while
Sucker Punch is reserved for Ghosts.

enter image description here@Choice Band
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
Ability: Sniper
-Drill Peck
-Drill Run

Fearow is near the lower end of Normal/Flying birds, but it's slightly better
than Pidgeot with its nice Attack and Speed stats, along with Drill
Run. In fact, it's the only non-Ground type that learns this move which is
great against Steel, Rock, and Electric types. This makes up for the fact
that it can't learn Brave Bird and has to resort to Drill Peck as its
strongest Flying move.

Continuing Others

–1 vote

deoxys-Attack @ Choise scarf

Trait: Pressure

EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP

Naive Nature

  • Leer
  • Laser Focus
  • Calm Mind
  • Psychic

Deoxys Attack form is incredible powerfull and I am sure he is the best sweeper ever because if deoxys Attack's EVs and IVs for attack is max then at lvl 100 his Attack will be 504 Attack which is crazy OP. if his speed is max at lvl 100 it will be 438. which is super high also.
