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I want a team of 4, that can be caught in Unova. Also, please provide natures movesets abilities hold items and any useful info. Thanks

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nice question

3 Answers

8 votes
Best answer

Well, there are a plethora of good and viable Pokemon that can be used against the World Leaders however there are like always Pokemon that do the job exceptionally well
However I recommend the following Pokemon:


Terrakion should be one of those Pokemon that you will love to use in the PWT. Especially against the World Leaders. Due to the presence of a large movepool, Terrakion can OHKO if not 2HKO every single Pokemon in the PWT with ease, however you should be wary of scarfed Pokemon such as Scolipede as Earthquake will hurt.
The following leaders will fall to moves that Terrakion should wield

  • Cheren falls to Close Combat
  • Roxie falls to Earthquake and Stone Edge/ Rock Slide
  • Burgh falls to Stone Edge/Rock Slide
  • Elisa falls to Earthquake
  • Skyla falls to Stone Edge/Rock Slide
  • Chili falls to Earthquake and Stone Edge/Rock Slide
  • Cilan can fall to X-Scissor however be wary that he has a type disadvantage against you
  • Lenora falls to Close Combat and Stone Edge/Rock Slide
  • Brycen falls to Stone Edge/Rock Slide and Close Combat
  • Brock falls to Close Combat and Earthquake
  • Lt.Surge falls to Earthquake and Close Combat
  • Erika can fall to X-Scissor however be wary that she has a type disadvantage against you
  • Janine falls to Stone Edge and Earthquake
  • Sabrina can fall to X-Scissor, Stone Edge and Earthquake however be wary that she has a type Disadvantage against you
  • Blaine falls to Earthquake and Stone Edge/Rock Slide
  • Falkner falls to Close Combat and Stone Edge/Rock Slide however he has a type
  • Bugsy can fall to Stone Edge/Rock Slide however take caution of his Heracross, Scizor and Yanmega
  • Whitney falls to Close Combat
  • Jasmine falls to Earthquake and Close Combat
  • Pryce falls to Close Combat and Stone Edge however be wary of the type disadvantage
  • Roxanne falls to Close Combat
  • Wattson falls to Earthquake and can fall to Close Combat
  • Flannery falls to Earthquake and Stone Edge/Rock Slide
  • Norman falls to Close Combat
  • Winona can fall to Stone Edge/Rock Slide however be wary of the type disadvantage and her Skarmory
  • Tate/Liza can fall to a combination of X-Scissor and Stone Edge/Close Combat, however be wary of the type disadvantage
  • Roark falls to Close Combat and Earthquake
  • Byron falls to Close Combat and Earthquake
  • Candice can fall to Close Combat and Stone Edge however beware if the type disadvantage
  • Volkner can be taken down with Stone Edge and Earthquake

It is very possible that you have already guessed the entire moveset but anyways:

Terrakion @ Expert Belt
Trait: Justified
Jolly/Adamant Nature
(EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP)
- Stone Edge/Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Close Combat
- X-Scissor


The next Pokemon I suggest should really be Chandelure. It can clean up what Terrakion might have failed to do with Relative ease. It is powerful and it is relatively fast, I see no reason why you shouldn't use it. It can easily switch into any predicted fighting type move and easily KO in return.
Types that Chandelure covers for Terrakion

  • Fighting
  • Psychic
  • Grass
  • Ice
  • Steel

Psychic types flee the moment you mention Chandelure. Why is this? There is no psychic type that can take a hit or 2 from Chandelure.When it is scarfed it is even worse as Fire and Ghost will kill every psychic type, including Brongzong. Now it will also be able to outspeed almost everything in the game (barring faster scarfed Pokemon: Hint Roxie's Scolipede is Scarfed and has Earthquake so take note of that).
It can not only cover Terrakion's weaknesses, but also a wide range of many other typings
I shall list them
As mentioned before

  • Fighting
  • Psychic
  • Grass
  • Ice
  • Steel
  • Ghost
  • Bug

It also serves as one of the best, if not the best counter to Scizor as it can take all but Acrobatics like a pro
Anyways, here is the moveset:

Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Flash Fire
(EVS: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe)
Timid/Modest Nature
- Fire Blast/Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Trick/ Hidden Power Fighting(optional)/Psychic

Rock and Ground seem to be forming a little problem in this team. However no need to fear, for Amoonguss is here!


Not exactly an offensive threat but this guy is just too good. As the PWTis very similar to competitive battling, using competitive strategies will often lead you to victory. Amoonguss is probably the best wall that you will ever encounter in the whole of Unova coming second to Vaporeon and Umbreon. However his role here is to help cover and weaken foes so that Terrakion and Chandelure are safe to start sweeping. Since It's Fire and Ice weakness has been lifted by Chandelure, things will be a little easier for it. It's gargantuan bulk will never cease to stop amazing you if used well. Despite it exceeding as a bulky wall, Amoonguss can also make a remarkable Special Attacker
I will give you 2 sets and see what one suites you best :)

Amoonguss @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
(EVs:252 HP / 88 Def / 52 SpA / 116 SpD)
Calm Nature
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Clear Smog / Sludge Bomb
- Stun Spore / Synthesis / Hidden Power Fire


Amoonguss @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
(EVs: 240 HP / 16 Def / 252 SpA)
Modest Nature
- Spore
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ground

Last but not least I recommend:


It's ground and fire weakness are now covered meaning that he can walk in quite nicely
He is bulky and he is Powerful, besides that having another physical attacker is always nice :)
It's has access to very powerful moves and it's bulk is no laughing matter. Since it is late and I want to go to bed this is all I am telling :P
You will see this big guy in action when you use him
Anyhow without wasting much time let me just give you the moveset and shut up already:

Metagross @ Life Orb
Trait: Clear Body
(EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe)
Adamant Nature
- Agility/Ice Punch
- Zen Headbutt
- Earthquake
- Meteor Mash / Ice Punch

Well It was a little hard finding Pokemon that would actually help you beat the World Leaders that could be found and caught in Black/White 2, but I did it. If you have any and or questions feel free to comment and I will try to reply as fast as possible.
Anyways hope you like it and good night zzzZZZZ

selected by
Good but I'm not using Amoongus. Ima use Hydreigon instead. Thanks!
Sure, if that is what you want, then replace Amoonguss with Hydreigon :3
oh and you are welcome :)
Wait, why is Amoonguss holding Leftovers in the first set? Can't it use Black Sludge, since it's a poison type?
1 vote

Frost Rotom: Zoom or Wide Lens (Mine is Shiny)

Move #1 Blizzard
Move #2 Thunder
Move #3 Shadow Ball (Mine knows Shadow Force =3)
Move #4 Substitute (Mine knows Roar of Time =3)

Metagross: Lum Berry

Move #1 Bullet Punch
Move #2 Zen Headbutt
Move #3 Earthquake
Move #4 Grass Knot

Garchomp: Leftovers
enter image description here
Move #1 Dig
Move #2 Dragon Claw
Move #3 Flamethrower
Move #4 Crunch

Vaporeon: Wacan or Rindo Berry
enter image description here
Move #1 Scald
Move #2 Ice Beam
Move #3 Double Team
Move #4 Toxic or Aqua Ring

0 votes

I found that this team for Double battles works well.

Latios @ focus sash
Preferably Max Spd/Max Sp. Atk
-Draco Meteor
-Dragon Pulse/Calm Mind
-Ice Beam

If you’re playing white 2, Latias should also work well.

Excadrill @ choice scarf
Preferably Max Spd/Max Atk
-Iron Head
-Rock Slide
-Shadow Claw/X-Scissor

This is your main attacker, and excadrill can deal a lot of damage.

Jellicent @ leftovers
Preferably max health/max defense
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball

The defensive backbone of the team. This team member can stall out many Pokémon with recover and special defense drops for shadow ball and energy ball. If you don’t want surf, Water spout or hydro pump also works.

Heatran @ Air ballon
Preferably max spd/max sp. Atk
-Flamethrower/Heat Wave/Fire blast
-Flash Cannon
-Earth Power

Heatran provides some useful coverage and also Toxic, which can help out in a pinch. Air balloon helps when you want to use Earthquake with Excadrill.

Hope this helps!

Nice team, I’m gonna use it! One question tho, why flash cannon on heatron?
It was just for STAB, if you feel like it doesn’t fit go ahead and slot in a different move.